Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has opened the new year by inviting 30 million of his closest Facebook friends to join him in reading a new book every two weeks. Zuckerberg’s “Year of Books” is a continued effort to expand his mind and do something new.
Two years ago, he challenged himself to meet a new person everyday, and last year he wrote a daily thank you note. This year, he has invited Facebook to join him and be a part of the massive book club. If successful, it may become the largest book club in the world, offering a new experience and adventure every two weeks.
On the first day “ A Year of Books ” was active, over 62,000 members liked the page. It is currently sitting at over 82,000 members, a long way from the initial 30 million invites. The first book is The End of Power , by Moises Naim, a work that argues that once powerful positions have lost their dominance, according to Time . The End of Power is a prime example of the types of books that can be expected to be read over the course of the year. Zuckerberg stated that he is excited to share his reading challenge with the world so everyone can immerse themselves in the topics that are chosen.
“I’m excited for my reading challenge. I’ve found reading books very intellectually fulfilling. Books allow you to fully explore a topic and immerse yourself in a deeper way than most media today.”
Zuckerberg plans to focus on topics that express culture and the world from varied points of view. The Bible and Quran have become the most popular suggestions thus far, according to CNN Money . Still, many others have offered popular books on finance and other educational books. Various authors of different genres have also suggested their own books to be read during the year. Although it is a long shot that erotic romance, as one author suggested, will become a focus of “A Year of Books,” it can be expected that the chosen book will see skyrocketing sales. The End of Power has already sold out on Amazon, only a few days into the first two weeks.
It is still too early to estimate how successful “A Year of Books” will be, but if a sold out choice and over 80,000 members is any measurement of success, it is bound to be a fantastic year for the chosen authors.
[Photo Courtesy: The Verge ]