Miley Cyrus and Patrick Schwarzenegger may not be splitting up anytime soon, but that didn’t stop Miley from focusing on another man yesterday. Nearly a year ago, Justin Bieber’s infamous mugshot, and its strange similarities to Miley’s head shot, made its way into the meme archives. However, Miley has taken it upon herself to show the world that she is not Bieber’s doppelganger and that she is ‘less Bieberish’ than the world thinks. In contrast to Justin’s knee buckling smile, Mikey chose to show her inner sadness as darkness dripped from her eyes, possibly a metaphor for her captivity within the pages of the tabloids, as every move is analyzed and reported.
Miley and Justin used to be pretty god friends, back in the day, but that friendship faded as their popularity ebbed and flowed over time. However, there was a moment that the two shared a similar hair style, along with their facial structures and mesmerizing smiles and gaze. Stylite reminded their readers that the mugshot, which was quickly placed side by side with a photo of Miley to show the similarities, was taken after Bieber was arrested for drunk driving.
Miley chose to take a stab at Bieber via her Instagram account by creating her own mugshot with the caption, “I look way less biebersh in my mugshot than expected.” According to Hollywood Life , Miley has taken cheap shots at Bieber in the past as well, most notably when she posted a picture of herself wearing tight pants, black T-shirt, and a similar hairstyle, with the caption, “lookinlikebieber.”
Miley Cyrus has also made it a point to speak openly about Justin Bieber’s legal drama in comparison to her party lifestyle and how the two situations are not the same. She claims that what Justin is doing is illegal and idiotic in the least, while she is obeying the law and having fun within legal limits, even if she does go to the extreme at times. She shared her thoughts with Jay Leno.
“You’ve got a lot of money and pay people to make sure you don’t get in trouble. I get the most flack yet I’m not doing anything illegal, everything I do is legal in California.”
Miley’s random obsession with ridiculing Justin Bieber may be in good fun between the two former friends, or it may be her way of nitpicking his lifestyle. Regardless, she is keeping both him and herself in the limelight for fifteen minutes longer.
[Photo Courtesy: Hollywood Life ]