An unnamed black woman posting under the YouTube user name “Honestly Speaking” has unleashed two videos where she lashes out at the “Black Lives Matter” protests, Al Sharpton, President Obama, and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio.
In a related report by the Inquisitr , a former NYPD commissioner claims that both Al Sharpton and Bill de Blasio have “blood on their hands” for the way the protests have been handled. The “Black Lives Matter” protests also have black college students with failing grades demanding that they be given free passes due to the recent events surrounding Ferguson and the NYPD shootings.
Al Shartpon is a “disgusting disgrace to humanity,” according to Honestly Speaking, and that’s just her way of warming up. Her video calls for a boycott of Sharpton after the Reverand claimed he received death threats following the murders of NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu.
“Leave it to Reverend Al Sharpton to make two cops being murdered about him. Nobody cares that you received death threats. Nobody cares about you. You are the reason this is happening,” she exclaims. “Take your old, stale, trouble-making, race-baiting, tired, pathetic, perverted, coke-sniffing no good for nobody a** somewhere and sit down.”
Be aware that these videos contain some strong language.
The second video is much longer and features her thoughts on President Barack Obama, Bill de Blasio, and any of the “Black Lives Matter” protestors who have been praising the deaths of the NYPD officers.
“Now you have President Obama talking about Trayvon Martin could have been his son. You don’t have any sons. You are the president of the United States,” she said. “Play your positions. Stay out of these ghetto tirades and these ghetto rants. Stay out of it.”
The black woman had a similar message for de Blasio, asking him to stay neutral and not take sides in the controversy.
“de Blasio, Mike Brown is not your son. Okay, you are the mayor of New York City,” she said. “You just had two officers shot because of your reckless speaking. You stand behind Al Sharpton and he stands for nothing at all.”
She also called out some members of the “Black Lives Matter” protest movement, and said that if an area starts rioting like what happened in Ferguson then police should simply pull out.
“All these neighborhoods that are against the police, pull the cops out. Don’t answer no more 911 calls,” she said. “Let them police themselves and eventually they’ll all kill themselves off. I refuse to die for people who won’t even stand up for themselves. … I am truly ashamed at the state of what my people are in today. You people disgust me, supporting the murder of an innocent man. Mike Brown was not innocent. None of us are innocent.”
What do you think about the unidentified woman’s comments?