Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis quit blogging last week and we didn’t cover it, mostly because he quit blogging, nothing more, nothing less. I don’t believe that it’s the end of blogging or a large sign of things to come, although there might be a debate in terms of time management at a time of many competing attention based services.
Jason switched to email and he’s sent out his first entry. We won’t publish every email, but the first below for those who aren’t signed up to his email list but were wondering what the content will be like. Those interested can sign up here.
Team Jason,
Wow, it’s been an amazing 24 hours since I officially announced my retirement from blogging ( ). As you’ve probably seen there has been some of coverage of my retirement, most of it wondering if I’m joking or not (links at the bottom). To those who know me better than a couple of Valleywag headlines, am I ever not joking??!? I mean, Clark Kent asked a question in the faux Q&A session, I posted a photo of Michael Jordan’s retirement, and I spoke about spending more time with my family (as in my wife and two bulldogs).
Clearly I was joking in the post, but I’m dead serious about the retirement from blogging.
Most folks have no tolerance for ambiguity, and when faced with it are extremely uncomfortable. This lack of comfort makes them think, and my goal with the blog was always to challenge people’s thinking–most of all my own. Confusion is attention of the best kind–I long to be confused. I’ve become addicted to playing poker because your constantly faced with confusion, and winning is trying to make sense out of nonsense.
Is blogging dead? ————————- Yes, it is. Officially. ?
Actually, I’ve been thinking about this question and while blogging is clearly booming, there has been a deep qualitative change in the nature of the ‘sphere. There are so many folks involved in blogging to today, and it’s moving at a much quicker pace thanks to “social accelerants” like TechMeme, digg, Friendfeed and Twitter. Folks are so desperate to be heard–and we all want to be heard that’s why we blog–that the effort put into being heard has eclipsed the actual hearing.
Bloggers spend more time digging, tweeting, and SEOing their posts than they do on the posts themselves. In the early days of blogging Peter Rojas, who was my blog professor, told me what was required to win at blogging: “show up every day.” In 2003 and 2004 that was the case. Today? What’s required is a team of social marketers to get your message out there, and a second one to manage the fall-out from whatever you’ve said.
Think: Nick Denton has reworked the bloggers pay at Gawker Media to reflect not the quality of the words but the number of page views those blog posts get. He doesn’t pay by word count, he pays by page views. He’s closed the loop between editorial and advertising, turning the Chinese wall into a block party. It’s the publishing promised land while simultaneously being the death of publishing. Gawker is growing page views while simultaneously destroying it’s brand equity. This will either result in an implosion, or the perfect id-driven magazine where our core desires are synchronized in relation to their marketability. It will be fun to watch, but I wouldn’t want to be one of those bloggers in the cage, running on the Denton’s wheel.
Excelling in blogging today is about link-baiting, the act of writing something inflammatory in order to get a link. Many folks say I’m responsible for link-baiting–these people are absolute idiots. I’ve never tried to get any of these insecure, lonely freaks to link to something I’ve said. ?
Truth be told, I’ve always written the way I talk–honestly and without a filter. John Brockman explained to me at one time that some of the most interesting folks he’s met have, over time, become less vocal. He explained, that there was a inverse correlation between your success and your ability to tell the truth. When I met John I was nobody and I promised myself I would never, ever censor myself if I become successful. My friend, and one of the few folks I’d consider a mentor, Mark Cuban laid a path for me to follow in this regard. I wish I could say I’ve succeeded, the best I can say is I’ve tried.
My good friend Xeni Jardin, who I had the pleasure of working/playing with for a couple of years in another life, faced massive assault from the audience she herself built at These folks were not attacking her because of what she did (she deleted some old posts for personal reasons), they were attacking her because they could. They were attacking her because open-media (i.e. blogging) has turned into an excuse for bad behavior. It’s outrageous to think that an audience would turn on the author they love and built up for years over something so trivial as deleting some posts.
Then again, they booed Dylan when he went electric in Newport and all along his tour of Europe. They called him Judas, but he didn’t believe them. I hope Xeni doesn’t believe them–they’re liars.
Why email? ——————– In a word, intimacy. This message will go from my inbox to your inbox, perhaps from my Blackberry to your iPhone. From my sleepy garden office in Brentwood to your laptop perched on a desk in some high-rise hotel in Shanghai or your crummy little studio on the LES. I’m stopping my day to write it, and you’ll stop your day to read it–perhaps. Maybe you’ll save this, or forward it to some friends with certain sections in bold. There is zero tolerance for waste in personal communication, so if you don’t find value in this email you’ll delete it and maybe remove yourself from the list. You would do the same if someone started boring you at a cocktail party, no? Find a graceful way to get the hell out of there, and in email it’s one click.
This platform puts a level playing field between us that is so different than me posting to my blog which gets swept up in the Google and Yahoo machine, sending thousands of visitors who haven’t made the email commitment.
Also, there is an immediacy to this. At any point you can hit the reply key (or forward) and send your thoughts directly to me at [email protected]. This is much different than you posting to my comments section and subjecting yourself to the trolls and haters who have taken up residency there.
Why should we all build our homes and give residence to the trolls under them? Comments on blogs inevitably implode, and we all accept it under the belief that “open is better!” Open is not better. Running a blog is like letting a virtuoso play for 90 minutes are Carnegie Hall, and then seconds after their performance you run to the back Alley and grab the most inebriated homeless person drag them on stage and ask them what they think of the performance they overheard in the Alley. They then take a piss on the stage and say “F-you” to the people who just had a wonderful experience for 90 or 92 minutes. That’s openness for you… my how far we’ve come! We’ve put the wisdom of the deranged on the same level as the wisdom of the wise.
You and I now have a direct relationship, and I’m cutting the mailing list off today so it stays at ~1,000 folks. I’ll add selectively to the list, but for now I’m more interested in a deep relationship with the few of you have chosen to make a commitment with me. Perhaps some of you will become deep, considered colleagues and friends–something that doesn’t happen for me in the blogosphere any more.
Much of my inspiration for doing this comes from what I’ve seen with John Brockman’s email newsletter. When it enters my inbox I’m inspired and focused. I print it, and I don’t print anything. The people that surround him are epic, and that’s my inspiration–to be surrounded by exceptional people.
The Feedback ———————- Ted Leonsis, another mentor to me over the years, thinks I’m pulling a Brett Favre. Perhaps. Background: Ted is responsible for Weblogs, Inc. being bought by AOL, and he spoke at the *first* event I ever did called “Meet the Alley” in 1997. The event took place at and the air conditioner broke. It was August, and it was 100 degrees. Ted went on and gave an amazing talk. When Ted spoke about content on the Internet back in 94-96 time frame I was 23 years old and I knew what I wanted to do with my life: I wanted to be Ted. Weblogs, Inc. was version of his AOL Greenhouse, and Mahalo is a souped up version of AOL.
Sarah Lacy says blogging is at a cross-roads and she gets where I’m coming from. I’ve known Sarah for a couple of years now, and she’s become a personality on the Web 2.0 circuit thanks to her book “Once You’re Lucky, Twice Your Good,” a book in which I get very few mentions (not that I’m counting them.. 384, really? :-). She too has felt the harsh mob mentality, also known as “the wisdom of the crowds.” For the record, crowds are really frackin’ stupid and to put your stock in crowds is about as bright as putting your faith in a dictator–they’ll love you for as long as they feel like it, then they’ll ripe you apart without mercy. Also, has anyone else noticed that women like Sarah and Xeni get treated 10x as harsh as men do in the blogosphere? Another reason to opt out. says: “It’s like he hit the nail on the head of everything that’s wrong with blogging today…at least for me.”
A bunch of other folks have commented on the story, and you can see their reactions on TechMeme:
Jim Kukal says it’s the death of the A-list:
Scoble says it’s a farce:
All the best,
Update : more discussion on FriendFeed here + Allen Stern has a hilarious video take on the email list here.