The Michael Brown shooting has been a hot-button issue for a good chunk of 2014 and now that a grand jury is set to weigh in on whether there is enough evidence to pursue charges, the stakes are at an all-time high.
This has made it a big topic for talk shows, and Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News is no exception. Hannity welcomed a panel of guests this week that included former New York City detective Bo Dietl , and Dietl did not mince words when it came to the Justice Department’s handling of the situation.
Making the point that one is “innocent until proven guilty” in America, Dietl had a lot of contempt for a radical group of “punks” who placed a $5,000 bounty on Officer Darren Wilson.
Depending on which side you believe, Wilson was the officer who either killed an unarmed African-American teen in cold blood or shot in self-defense.
Followers of the Michael Brown shooting situation have heard it both ways and Dietl urged people to slow down and wait to see what the grand jury decides “based on evidence” instead of “hearsay.”
“We have a jury system. We have a court system. They’re gonna hear all the true evidence. They’re not gonna hear hearsay. They’re not gonna hear, ‘He said that,’ they’re gonna hear actual facts of what happened. This is like saying those two cops — remember Staten Island — two detectives that were shot by this guy. This is like saying we should take the guy who shot those two cops in Staten Island and kill him. Take him out of jail and string him up and hang him high. This is not the Wild West here … This is justice. We have to wait for the justice system to react.”
Dietl pointed out that around 380 cops were killed in the line of duty last year.
“When was the Justice System — when did [Attorney General Eric] Holder send anybody out of respect to the families of these cops that were killed? I think there were 360 or ’70 or ’80 cops killed across this country. Where is their rights? [sic] The problem with this country is you have agitators that are just waiting for an excuse to steal, to set fire, to riot … then we got this guy from New York running out there … we used to call him ‘Fat Al,’ now he’s ‘Skinny Al’ Sharpton, and he’s running — that’s his job, his job is to jump up and down — he has the ear of the President, he has the ear of Holder, he has the ear of ‘Big Bird’ DeBlasio here in New York. They’re destroying this city. Our cops are handcuffed in this city. And now what’s gonna happen is justice — whatever the grand jury [decides] whether it’s an indictment or not, that’s not the end of it, there’s this thing called ‘trial’ where you get a jury — 12 people — to decide.”
Diet added that the injuries of Darren Wilson were “consistent with him getting beat up.”
“Now you know what the problem is? Now you have the audacity of people putting a bounty — a $5,000 bounty — on this officer’s life? You know what, the attorney general should be prosecuting these punks,” Dietl fumed.
What do you think about ex-cop Dietl’s thoughts on how Washington has handled the Michael Brown shooting? Is he right to say that Holder and President Obama have jumped to conclusions, or is Wilson guilty? Share your thoughts in our comments section.