A Japanese man’s random act of kindness has reportedly been overshadowed due to shocking allegations. According to Japan Today , the man was reportedly labeled as a “pervert” and has accused a police department of questioning his actions after he reportedly saved a woman’s life with the use of an AED.
For those who aren’t familiar with the acronym, an AED is technically known as an automated external defibrillator . The machine is a portable device commonly used to provide an analysis of the heart’s rhythm. Treatment can be administered through defibrillation, which is the application of electrical therapy, which stops the arrhythmia and allows the heart to re-establish a substantial beating rhythm. However, in order for the device work effectively, the electrode pads must be applied directly to the skin.
The woman was reportedly in cardiac arrest, so the man’s actions shouldn’t have seemed questionable, right? Well, not exactly.
Out of frustration, he reportedly took to Twitter with a series of tweets back in October. He revealed the woman had been the victim of a traffic accident. Although the driver of the vehicle showed no visible signs of serious injuries, the woman, who was the passenger in the vehicle, was reportedly unconscious. The man, whose name has not been released, stated that he also could not detect a pulse. He immediately began to administer CPR and called for an ambulance.
Since AEDs are available in public places in Japan, the man was able to gain access to one rather quickly. After retrieving it, he reportedly used a pair of scissors to cut through the woman’s clothing. He claims the driver began yelling at him and questioning his actions. The driver must have assumed he was trying to take advantage of the woman when he cut through her clothing to press the defibrillator to her bare chest. He stated that the driver told him to stop and called him a “hentai,” which means pervert. Although the man admitted he isn’t sure who contacted the police, he believes the driver accused him of behaving inappropriately with the woman.
The driver and woman were transported to a local hospital, but unfortunately, the man wasn’t deemed a hero just yet. Even after he gave a statement in regards to the accident, local authorities still took him in for questioning.
According to Rocket News , one of the tweets included a brief statement about the use of AEDs and how they should be applied.
“An AED is supposed to be applied directly to the skin. Because the electric current it produces is strong, the underwire of a bra could prove extremely dangerous [if not removed before using]. Please remember this,” he tweeted.
He was later informed that the woman survived as a result of his actions. Although the man was offered a certificate of appreciation for saving the woman’s life, he ultimately declined.