Analytic firm ComScore on Friday released a report in which they reveal that Apple is now used by one in 10 Americans. The study shows that for the first time Apple as a single manufacturer has passed the 10% mark (10.2%) based on market share. The company’s research also showed that among all platforms such as Google Android, Symbian and WP7 the company controls 27.4% of the marketplace.
The increase in market share comes at a time when other manufacturers have faltered, specifically Research in Motion (RIM) who has watched their Blackberry market share fall from 7.9% in June 2011 to 7.1% in September 2011. As a platform Microsoft also witnessed a new all time low with its Mobile OS now featured on just 5.6% percent of Smartphones, down from 5.8% in June 2011.
In great news for Google the study shows that as users drop their old mobile platforms and traditional cell phones they are gravitating towards the Google Android market faster than Apple iOS adapters. Google has the advantage of being featured on devices from Samsung, LG, Motorola, HTC and various other manufacturers, the first three of which are listed as part of ComScore’s top selling Smartphone manufacturers study.
Here’s a look at how the market in the United States stacks up based on manufacturer market share:
It will be interesting to witness how the market changes in terms of overall U.S. shares in the coming months now that Sprint Wireless carries the iPhone 4S while T-Mobile is expected to offer iPhone based devices in early 2012.
Do you think Google Android will continue to create a divide versus Apple devices or will expanded iPhone sales options at new carriers help Apple reach a larger user base?