When one loses their job for any reason, it’s usually best to avoid burning bridges. Not only is it more professional, it also helps to avoid potential lawsuits. Still, that hasn’t stopped former WWE writer Kevin Marshall from playing with matches.
The former WWE Creative team writer, who was fired from WWE last summer, is drawing the ire of his former employer by allegedly going onto message boards and revealing the inner workings of the Creative team. It’s a well-known fact that WWE goes out of its way to prevent leaks from the writers as it’s potentially damaging to relationships with talent and can expose future plans.
Those on the WWE Creative team are watching the situation with Kevin Marshall carefully as it’s likely he may have violated the confidentiality agreement that he signed when he joined WWE initially. Should WWE choose to take legal action, they could sue Marshall for disclosing trade secrets and violating a non-disclosure agreement.
While it’s only speculation, it’s possible that Kevin Marshall’s taking to internet message boards could have been inspired by the buzz generated by now-infamous reddit user Dolphins1925 , who many believe to be a former WWE employee or Creative team member. Dolphins1925 became a hot topic of discussion last year and early this year by correctly predicting the outcomes of most of WWE’s PPV matches at consecutive events. While the user in question hasn’t been active in some time, the leaking of WWE PPV match outcomes was troubling to say the least.
This is also not WWE’s only recent experience with lawsuits. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , WWE also landed in a bit of hot water regarding former WWE Superstar CM Punk, whose unceremonious exit from WWE has been well documented and speculated upon. Regarding Punk’s lawsuit, it pertained to merchandising and licensing issues as well as royalties for such merchandise and concerns over Punk’s rumored heavy featuring in the upcoming WWE 2K15 video game as one of the main focuses in the game’s heavily touted campaign mode.
While ex-WWE employees leaking information to spite their former employer is nothing new for Vince McMahon’s multi-billion dollar empire, Mr. Marshall should take care with the fires he started. McMahon has fought against, and successfully defeated, the US Government in a court of law and he didn’t build his empire by showing mercy to those who have slighted him. If it is indeed Mr. Marshall’s desire for revenge or fame that is spurring on his recent actions he may soon find himself in a whole heap of trouble.
[IMG Credits: WWE.com]