Scientists at the University of Rochester in New York have managed to design a “invisibility cloak.”
This invisibility is similar to the invisibility cloak in Harry Potter on how it works. If you use this new ‘invisibility cloak’, there will be no distortion on the objects around you and anything under the cloak becomes hidden from view.
This isn’t the first time scientists have attempted to make a Harry Potter like invisibility cloak. 2 years ago, according to an report, scientists at Duke University started experimenting with metamaterials. Metamaterials are designed to bend light around them. Unfortunately, most of the time these invisibility cloaks have a problem with the reflection of light. But Dr. Landy was able to fix the problem with light reflection.
Landy’s new microwave cloak is naturally divided into four quadrants, each of which have voids or blind spots at their intersections and corners with each other. Thus, to avoid the reflectivity problem, Landy was able to correct for it by shifting each strip so that is met its mirror image at each interface.
To do this, the scientists are using extremely cheap and easy to acquire lenses . As of right now, the object is not actually under an “invisibility cloak,” but it actually just looks like an optometrist’s equipment. And when the object is behind the series of lenses then it suddenly disappears.
John Howell, a professor at the University of Rochester said, “A lot of people have worked on a lot of different aspects of optical cloaking for years.”
Before this, optical cloaking was mainly experimented on with expensive equipment and it was extremely complicated. These previous tests with invisibility cloaks only worked at specific angles.
So far, the tests with this new invisibility cloak have involved with hiding hands, faces, and rulers.
Said Joseph Choi, a graduate student at the University of Rochestr, “From what we know, this is the first cloaking device that provides three-dimensional, continuously multidirectional cloaking.”
He continues to say that, “I imagine this could be used to cloak a trailer on the back of a semi-truck so the driver can see directly behind him. It can be used for surgery, in the military, in interior design, art.”
It really seems like the future is almost here. A working invisibility cloak has been sought for a long time. Hopefully scientists will be able to perfect this iteration of the invisibility cloak.