Melissa Rivers is planning to sue Yorkville Endoscopy over her mother’s death. According to Food World News , Mel will be holding the clinic accountable for her mom’s death, which could have been prevented, according to several sources. Melissa is waiting to get all of the details from the coroner before she files a lawsuit against the clinic.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , the procedure Joan had done wasn’t something that was life-threatening in any way. Rumor has it that Joan’s doctor did a biopsy — without the comedienne’s consent, mind you — and that’s when things went terribly wrong.
“It’s become very clear to Melissa and experts she has spoken to that her mother didn’t have to die. This was a routine endoscopy that went wrong. Melissa has also been told that staff members at Yorkville Endoscopy revealed a shocking detail to medical investigators looking into Joan’s death — something occurred during the procedure that wasn’t medically related.”
Melissa Rivers has every right to sue Yorkville Endoscopy if she has proof that doctors botched this routine procedure. Not many people go into cardiac arrest during an endoscopy; Melissa needs to find out what exactly happened to her mom so she can make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else. Sources say this is Melissa’s ultimate goal. She is not doing it for the money — she’s doing it to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again.
According to Design & Trend , the lawsuit will have something to do with Joan’s personal doctor (the one rumored to have taken a selfie with Joan while she was under anesthesia — this has since been denied). Sources claim that there’s a lot more going on than what the public understands.
“It was something related to Joan’s personal ear, nose and throat doctor and it wasn’t about the unplanned biopsy she did. Melissa will await the outcome of the official medical investigation and then absolutely file the lawsuits.”
However, Joan Rivers died because she stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest, so it’s hard to imagine that there was something else that actually caused her heart to stop beating. You see, upon doing the unscheduled biopsy, Joan’s vocal cords seized, the result of which was a blocked passageway.
Melissa Rivers is expected to sue the clinic very soon. Many hope that the outcome of the lawsuit will bring Mel some closure, and make her feel as though she’s done something good in the wake of this terrible tragedy.
[Photo courtesy of Stephen Lovekin/NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment]