It’s been nearly three years since Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan welcomed their first child together. Along the way, the Bollywood actress and former Miss World had to endure fat-shaming. Recently, her Jazbaa director spoke out against Aishwarya Rai’s weight-gain critics in a stunning tweet.
The popular Hindi film actress has been the victim of critics that say she let herself go after giving birth to daughter, Aaradhya, who was born in November of 2011.
Like many women who give birth, Bachchan gained baby weight. After that milestone in her life, she took time off from films for a time, enjoying being a mom and nurturing her child. She slimmed down, but not before fans and film critics subjected her to criticism over not losing the weight fast enough — like her Hollywood counterparts.
Some were so attached to her svelte figure as an actress in her early days that the added weight from birth was too much to bear. Even during her appearance at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival , where she clearly showed off a trimmer physique, many were still absorbed in Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s weight gain issues in her post-pregnancy, according to IBTimes .
For shame, for shame!
However, to her rescue was, Sanjay Gupta ( Kaante and Shootout at Lokhandwala) , director of a new film she is starring in.
Aishwarya Rai and John Abraham star in Jazbaa , Gupta’s upcoming spy thriller, which is slated for a 2015 release. The film marks the first project Ash will star in since giving birth. Many say it’s her “comeback” film. Strangely, enough, her fans say she’s never left the landscape and “comeback” means “washed up,” which she clearly isn’t.
Gupta, having grown tired of many asking him about Aishwarya’s weight issues, took to Twitter in an attempt to put the matter to rest once and for all. The gesture was abrupt and to the point, but it was just what the doctor ordered.
Here is a pic from today for all the retards that keep asking ‘Has she lost weight?’ every time I talk about JAZBAA .
— Sanjay Gupta (@_SanjayGupta) August 23, 2014
Last week, Aishwarya Rai allegedly shared pregnancy tips with fellow Bollywood actress Vidya Balan, who married film producer Siddharth Roy Kapur two years ago. The couple is said to be ready to conceive a child together.
If the rumors pan out, Bachchan has to include one piece of advice to deal with critics and haters: how to manage the stress from fat-shamers.
[Image via YouTube ]