Frozen ‘s Let It Go has had long lasting popularity that continues to be icy fresh even after all these months since the movie’s debut. Even Pearl Jame likes rocking out to Let It Go in live shows. But how can you not love a video showing a father and daughter belting it out together while sitting in a restaurant parking lot? (Of course, there is always an exception to the rule since even a baby is tired of Frozen songs .)
In a related report by The Inquisitr , despite how much people love the Frozen movie songs you just know there has to be some haters out there. For example, one video shows a bunch of f athers complaining about Frozen and how the songs will never get out of their heads. There is even a woman from Japan who divorced her husband because he did not like Frozen nearly as much as she clearly does. If you look at all the 2014 YouTube complaints in the comments section (which everyone knows is the tenth circle of hell), then you will know that Elsa hates all those Frozen parody videos out there. Although I would still suggest checking out the Frozen Thriller remix video that has the whole cast singing to the tune of Michael Jackson.
Now if you’re done watching Bill and Blakely sing Frozen’s Let It Go and you’re just looking for updates on the cast, and perhaps even a Frozen 2 movie , then I’d suggest reading this section. Kristen Bell is pregnant and is expecting her second child with her husband, Dax Shepard. Idina Menzel has gone back to broadway now that her role with Frozen is over. When it comes to the Once Upon A Time TV show, it’s claimed that Anna Faith Carlson will be cast as Queen Elsa in the next season.