The Obama presidency is in trouble, and according to NBC’s Chuck Todd, it’s “over.” The comments followed the release of dismal numbers for the President, revealed in the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.
Chuck Todd — the Chief White House Correspondent for NBC News — reacted to the release of the disturbing poll results during the Morning Joe program on Wednesday. According to Todd, the numbers equal to the public telling President Barack Obama that his presidency is “over.”
Responding to a question from MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, Todd said:
“This poll is a disaster for the president. You look at the presidency here. Lowest job rating — tied for the lowest. Lowest on foreign policy. His administration is seen as less competent than the Bush administration, post-Katrina.”
The latest poll numbers indicate the American public is losing confidence in the Obama presidency at an alarming rate, with 54 percent saying the President “cannot lead and get the job done” throughout the rest of his term. Only 42 percent of those surveyed thought that he could.
The poll also indicates that 41 percent of those surveyed believe the Obama presidency’s performance has gotten worse in the last year. Only 15 percent say things have gotten better under President Obama.
“On the issue of do you believe you can still lead, and a majority believe not,” Todd said. “Essentially, the public is saying, ‘Your presidency is over’ by saying a number like that — 54 percent saying he no longer has the ability to lead and solve problems. That’s one of those things (where) you’re sitting at the White House going, ‘Wow.’”
But the poll on the Obama presidency also shows the public’s distrust in matters of foreign policy , with the President’s approval numbers dipping to their lowest level yet. Only 37 percent of those surveyed — an all time low — approve of how Obama has handled foreign policy, and 57 percent disapprove — an all time high.
There are also numbers on the controversial release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five Taliban terrorist held at the Guantanamo Bay prison. Americans disagree with the Obama administration’s decision to go ahead with the swap by a 44 percent-to-30 percent margin.
As far as the overall presidency , only 41 percent approve of the job Obama is doing as Commander-in-Chief. His administration has been plagued by scandal after scandal in past months, from the IRS, NSA, Obamacare failed launch, VA, and the recent Bergdahl release, coupled with the deteriorating situation in Iraq .
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