A new NRA video taking on former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his deep pockets was unveiled during the National Rifle Association’s 2014 convention. Gun rights group CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre released the NRA commercial in the early afternoon and it soon after was on its way to going viral. Bloomberg’s gun control campaign entitled, Everytown for Gun Safety was a hotly debated topic during the Second Amendment rights event.
The primary message behind the NRA video is, “Bloomberg is one guy with millions. We’re millions with our 25 bucks. Let’s see who crushes who.” The Second Amendment promotional video was part of a membership push during the annual gathering. The gun rights convention this weekend is expected to attract more than 80,000 attendees.
Wayne LaPierre premised the playing of the NRA commercial by calling the video shot the gun rights group’s response to Michael Bloomberg. The audience appeared to love the right to bear arms commercial, cheering loudly after the piece concluded. LaPierre also said, “Together, we will sand as members of the NRA and we will stand and fight to take back our country,” before the audience stood and ushered in another round of applause.
The NRA also created a membership drive webpage which encourages Second Amendment supports to join the group and “Show Bloomberg that your membership will stop him cold!” The webpage also included details about membership details such a choice of monthly NRA magazines, a duffel bag, gun insurance, and activism to defend “Second Amendment freedoms 24/7.”
NRA convention attendees wrote their own individual responses to Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety campaign on pieces of paper and posted them to social media platforms. One father and son held up a message to Bloomberg which read, “A person in New York City does not need to make decisions for me or my family.” An elderly man who appear to be a veteran held up a note to the former NYC mayor which said, “Mr. B – Get out of our lives.”
NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre also had this to say during the 2014 convention:
“The media elites whitewash it all. ‘Move on,’ they tell us. ‘There’s nothing to see here.’ The media’s intentional corruption of the truth is an abomination. And NRA members, we will never submit and surrender to the national media, I promise you that. One of the greatest freedoms in the world, he said, is the right to defend your life and that of your family, with all the rifles, shotguns, and handguns we want.”
When LaPierre asked the large crowd if they trusted the government to protect them, a resounding “NO” could be heard from the gun owners in attendance. “They [mainstream media] can’t change the fact that all over America there are more than 100 million good guys and good gals … and a bunch of us are here right now,” the NRA leader concluded.