Brace yourselves, Game of Thrones fans.
Season Four Is Coming.
HBO, the subscription cable network that brings us Game of Thrones —based on the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin—released a 2013 retrospective the other day on the network’s YouTube channel. It touches on what happened on your favorite shows this year, including The Newsroom, Boardwalk Empire, True Blood and Veep . Naturally, Game of Thrones was included, and we got to relive the show’s third season in what amounts to a greatest hits medley.
Then there’s the second half of the clip.
The part that looks ahead at what’s coming in 2014.
Including what happens in 2014 on Game of Thrones .
Hold onto your hauberk, Game of Thrones fans, here comes…
Of Season Four.
The “action,” for want of a better word, kicks off at the 1:36 mark. If you don’t feel like waiting, there’s always the gif at the bottom of this piece. In the clip, we see a solitary rider, armed with a lance, charging an army. Quick cut to Tyrion Lannister, the Game of Thrones imp, bound in manacles. Next is King Joffrey, looking smug and scheming (at a wedding?). Then Ser Jaime, looking up from a book with a prosthetic hand, and a quick—and rare—smile from Lady Sansa Stark.
It’s such a brief glimpse of Game of Thrones ‘ upcoming fourth season that fans will probably wish they’d not been teased with such a maddeningly tiny morsel. It’s not fair, HBO! Game of Thrones fans deserve better than to be taunted. We want Game of Thrones, and we want it now! You can’t really expect us to wait until Spring!
But they do. They haven’t even confirmed a date for the Season Four premiere of Game of Thrones .
What we do know is that Season Four filming is complete. This little tidbit comes courtesy of the folks at HBOWatch, a very useful site for all your HBO needs. They tell us, via Cat Taylor, the Game of Thrones behind-the-scenes writer that both film crews have wrapped filming . The first, Dragon, finished up on November 8 ; Wolf, the other crew, finished on November 21 . Care to speculate on the meaning of the Game of Thrones crew names?).