A missing dog by the name of Dexter has finally been reunited with his family after being trapped for nine days under the rubble left over after a tornado ripped through Washington, Illinois . According to ABC News , the six-month-old pit bull has been missing ever since the tornado tore through the town .
After the tornado ripped down the apartment building that Jacob Montgomery and his pit bull lived in, it would stand to reason that the possibility of finding the missing dog would be slim to none after just over a week. Imagine Montgomery’s surprise when he received a Facebook message saying that little Dexter had been found partially buried in debris where the apartment building used to stand.
USA Today continued on to say that it was a neighbor and a group called Rescuing Animals in Need that found the missing dog, and then coaxed him to freedom using hot dogs to lure him over to them.
Montgomery told reporters that he had originally gotten Dexter as a puppy when he first moved to Washington, Illinois from Champaign. “All I had in my apartment is gone, but my dog was all I really had to worry about,” he said according to ABC News .
While Montgomery and Dexter were reunited with one another, not all families have been so lucky. For instance, according to ABC News , the neighbor who helped find little Dexter is still on the lookout for his missing cat.
After being reunited with Montgomery, Dexter was checked out by a vet, and was given a clean bill of health. “The vet said he has no real injuries — just a few scrapes and cuts. He was malnourished, but he’s going to be fine,” said Montgomery.
Now that Montgomery and the missing dog Dexter have been reunited, they are both staying with a friend, and are finally getting the chance to reconnect with one another.
[Image Via Lost Dog Illinois Facebook]