In a bizarre incident that unfolded back on January 7, 1999, a 19-year-old woman found herself in a rather sticky situation after she climbed over an iron-pronged fence at Hollywood heartthrob Brad Pitt’s mansion in Los Angeles. A young woman named Ronaldo found herself in legal trouble after being arrested for trespassing inside actor Brad Pitt’s Hollywood Hills home per CBS News .
In a court appearance back in 1999 before Hollywood Municipal Court Judge Dale Fischer, Ronaldo disclosed that she had stopped attending court-ordered counseling due to financial difficulties, bringing attention to her challenges in affording the mandated sessions. The court had earlier commissioned a three-year-long observation of Ronaldo, alongside psychological counseling. 120 hours of community service was also assigned to correct her criminal act. However, prosecutors argue that Ronaldo has only attended a mere four counseling sessions.
Judge Fischer, not swayed by Ronaldo’s claims of financial hardship, has scheduled another hearing for the upcoming week to scrutinize the legitimacy of her assertions and to determine if she willfully violated her probation. The peculiar incident began with Ronaldo’s mission to personally deliver a doll she had crafted for the Se7en star, Pitt. Having unlawfully climbed over the fence to gain entry into the actor’s residence, Ronaldo ventured through Pitt’s home, ultimately reaching his bedroom. There, she perused through his belongings, donned his clothes, and made herself comfortable in his bed, where she decided to take a nap per an interview on LEEZA .
It wasn’t until approximately 10 hours later that a startled household staffer stumbled upon the unwelcome guest, fast asleep in Pitt’s bedroom. The arrest was possible only when the caretaker took notice of some suspicious activity within the secure premises. “When arrested, the suspect was wearing a blue hat, green sweatshirt, black sweatpants, and tennis shoes belonging to Mr. Pitt,” reported the LAPD in a statement to the Los Angeles Times . “The suspect reportedly adorned herself with Mr. Pitt’s clothing because she was cold,” LAPD added.
Sent a follow up reminder to an agent I’d queried eight weeks ago, feeling like a stalker committing some sort of unspoken literary faux-pas, and lo and behold she got back in touch and asked for the full manuscript! It’s Brad Pitt dancing time! #amquerying
— Dr Keith Crawford (@keithcrawford77) June 8, 2018
As the legal proceedings unfold, the question of whether Ronaldo’s actions were driven by genuine admiration or crossed into the realm of criminal trespassing remains at the center of this peculiar Hollywood Hills saga. Presently, Pitt is embroiled in a fight for custody of her children with his ex-wife, Angelina Jolie, despite their divorce being legally finalized four years ago. The constant disagreements seem to be taking a toll on the kids, who are reportedly feeling frustrated.
I told my wife about the Police song “Every Breath You Take” being about a stalker and she dead ass sounded like Brad Pitt in 7 when he’s asking “What’s in the box?”. No, no, no, it can’t be, no, no, aaawwww no.
— Jeff, a Soul Wearing Skin (@1pearljamfan) October 8, 2020
Speculations have risen regarding Pitt’s challenging relationship with their six children, with claims suggesting that Jolie has been restricting the children’s connection with their father. The situation has attracted significant media attention and concern for the well-being of the children involved. The news of separation broke several hearts as the couple melded a strong bond with their kids on several occasions and set a great example in the industry.