Big Brother 17 spoilers from Thursday night, August 6, include the new BB17 HOH. These Big Brother 17 spoilers also indicate with houseguest was sent packing in the latest eviction ceremony. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Head of Household James Huling had nominated Shelli Poole and Clay Honeycutt for eviction. After James won the Week 6 Veto, he decided to keep the nominations the same. As a report from fan site Big Brother Network clarifies, his “target” got sent home on Thursday night.
While the new HOH is going to be decided by an endurance competition that could take the houseguests deep into the night, the results of the latest eviction are already known. The vote came down to two sides of the same showmance, with houseguests were forced to decide between a great competitor (Shelli) and the target that was asking to get voted out (Clay). Houseguests had been torn all week trying to decide if the best move was to just get Shelli out, since the opportunity had become front and center.
By a unanimous vote of 9-0, Clay Honeycutt was evicted from the BB17 house. His road has come to an end, dictating that he leaves the game one week before the jury was about to begin forming. It wasn’t too surprising that the vote went in this direction, especially with how hard Clay was working to get the votes. Then Vanessa Rousso “saved” Shelli Poole by convincing Shelli and other houseguests that she was protecting her. While not true, it certainly made Shelli feel like she needs to help Vanessa from this point on. If neither win the next Head of Household spot, though, they could get nominated together in Week 7.
As explained, the Week 7 HOH competition is another endurance challenge. It will be long after the August 6 episode comes to an end that the Big Brother 17 spoilers emerging from it will be available. For fans looking for information about what has progressed, this article will serve as a resource that contains updated results as they come in. Quite a few houseguests know the importance of becoming the HOH this week, meaning it could be an extremely competitive HOH challenge. With James Huling forced to simply watch, he needs his allies to really come through. In a familiar competition, the competitors must traverse a slippery lane to fill a bowl at the other end. It’s basically a race.
Though the results won’t appear for CBS viewers until the Sunday episode on August 9, updates to the Week 7 endurance challenge will be provided as a later entry to these Big Brother 17 spoilers on Thursday night. Stay tuned fans of the show, as the BB17 house is about to go into turmoil again.
In the first update of the Week 7 HOH challenge, Becky Burgess took an early lead. There is a long way to go for all of them, with an opportunity for everyone to go for the HoH prize, $5,000 in cash, or a Never-Have-Not pass. The latest Big Brother 17 spoilers indicate Becky and Julia Nolan are way ahead (45 minutes into competition). Austin Matelson and Meg Maley are in last place.
It’s all over. Becky Burgess won all three prizes and is the Week 7 HOH in the BB17 house.
[Image Source CBS Big Brother Press Kit]