Resident Evil Revelations hasn’t even had the chance to be released at retailers yet in North America, and yet Capcom is already dropping the price.
The game was originally announced to retail for $49.99, which is $10 above the standard price for Nintendo 3DS games. Capcom said at the time that the reason behind the $49.99 price tag for Resident Evil Revelations had to do with the 4GB cartridge the game uses, which is 2GB higher than your standard 3DS game.
Despite this, Capcom decided to go ahead and drop the price down to $39.99 anyway, nearly a week ahead of the game’s release in North America. Capcom’s Brett Elston explained in a post over on Capcom Unity :
“Late last year we announced the console-sized adventure that is Resident Evil Revelations would arrive on a 4GB card instead of the standard 2GB card; this increase in memory size led to an increase in price as well, raising the retail cost to $49.99. And while we’re confident in the game’s value at that price (and the reviews reflect that sentiment as well), we’re also exceedingly pleased to say that after weeks of effort, we’ve been able to lower the price to $39.99.
“Since the announcement of the $49.99 price point, we’ve spent weeks looking for a way to bring your cost down to standard 3DS pricing. Today we can finally confirm we were successful in this, and hope the reduced price encourages even more people to check out this strong entry in the Resident Evil canon.”
Do you plan to pick up Resident Evil Revelations on the Nintendo 3DS?