Lara Trump posted an image of President Donald Trump to her official Instagram account on Wednesday, in an apparent show of support following his impeachment. She used the caption to show what she thought of those who focused too hard on tearing down those that she considered winners.
The photo shows Donald Trump as he stands proudly in front of the American flag, his fists raised as though in a fighting stance. Based on Lara’s words in the post’s caption, it is possible that the pair will have to get ready to fight those who criticized the president in the comments section.
Trump regularly poses in such a fighting fashion. However, considering the red tie and blue suit which the president is wearing in the picture, it seems likely that this image has come from the “Merry Christmas” campaign rally in Michigan that was held on Wednesday. In addition, her previous post also showed photos from this rally.
As Lara, who is also Donald Trump’s campaign adviser, commented in one of her posts, many fans of the president attended the rally. However, protesters were also present outside and the focus of their campaign appeared to center on Trump’s impeachment. With this in mind, it appears that Lara decided to post a message of support for her father-in-law via her Instagram account.
Trump has yet to comment on the protesters outside his campaign rally, though he did thank those who backed him in Michigan via his official Twitter account.
However, a large following has already taken to commenting on Lara’s image. Many were supportive of Trump and his administration, making comments in the affirmative regarding his daughter-in-law’s statement and indicating that they stood behind the president in their support for him.
“Amen to that,” said Katrina Campins.
“We love President Trump and the entire administration and family,” said another supporter.
However, there were some who posted negative comments regarding the president on the post. These comments usually focused on the ongoing impeachment discussions.
Lara often backs up her father-in-law via her Instagram account. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Lara recently posted pictures of herself with a Trump fan who was wearing an Orange Is The New Black shirt during the Black Voices For Trump event. Sometimes her support is extremely humorous. A recent Instagram post saw her posting a snap of a pile of Christmas presents covered in Trump and Pence wrapping paper, with a funny caption to match.