Katy Perry, the renowned popstar and judge on American Idol , is reportedly considering leaving the show after six years due to the “terrible” way she has been portrayed by producers. Perry believes that she has been showcased as the “nasty judge,” which has eventually led to backlash from viewers and has taken a heavy toll on her emotionally.
According to a source close to the situation, this season has been particularly challenging for Perry, with incidents such as being involved in a mom-shaming scandal and facing criticism for her mean comments and judgments toward the contestants.
Perry strongly feels that the producers have “thrown her under the bus” by not removing certain comments she made during the show. As mentioned by DailyMail.com , she entered American Idol with the intention of fostering young talent, while not anticipating that her good intentions would be misinterpreted, leading to a negative perception of her as a judge. The constant criticism and being booed by the audience have deeply upset her, making her question her involvement in the show.
Throughout the season, Perry faced numerous controversies and backlash from fans. She was accused of mom-shaming a young mother during auditions, and her comments during Hollywood Week also drew many negative reactions. Social media became a platform for fans to express their discontent, with some even calling for her to be replaced. The situation worsened when the winner of the season was crowned amidst allegations of rigging, further impacting Perry’s image.
Although Perry is known to earn a substantial salary of $25 million per season, the source insists that her decision to leave the show is not about the money. For her, it has become a matter of preserving her legacy and not wanting her career to be defined by a talent competition show where she does not even perform. Perry’s representatives and American Idol did not respond to requests for comments on the matter.
During an interview after the season’s finale, Perry avoided questions about her future on the show, expressing gratitude for its renewal without providing any further insight. Her silence on the matter raised speculation about her possible departure. While she remained quiet about the way this season turned out, she did mention that the heart of the show lies in the contestants’ stories, sounds and voices that need to be heard.
Katy Perry’s journey as an American Idol judge has been marred by controversy and criticism almost every season since she joined the show. From the infamous kiss with a contestant to the recent accusations of shaming the contestants while being too “judgy”, Perry has unfortunately faced severe scrutiny and backlash, including heavy trolling. This season, in particular, has been the toughest for her in terms of maintaining fan approval.
As auditions for the next season of American Idol are set to begin in the coming months, Katy Perry’s decision to quit the show could have a significant impact. Her departure would mark the end of an era and leave a void to be filled by a new judge.
Only time will tell how the show will move forward without the iconic popstar and whether Katy Perry’s concerns about her portrayal and legacy will be addressed in the future.