The Trump campaign has come up with a novel idea to entice donors and voters— exclusive merchandise! His team has been emailing MAGA supporters with fundraiser links that feature these products. “I want you to remember what they did to me. They tortured me in the Fulton County Jail and took my mugshot…So guess what? I put it on a mug for the whole world to see!” read an email promoting Trump coffee cups. As per The Guardian , netizens ridiculed the fundraising effort, deeming the tactic absurd. @MikeSington , a senior executive at NBC Universal, tweeted, “In a new fundraising email, Trump claims he was ‘tortured’ at the Fulton County Jail. It is of course a lie to take money from his rubes.”
“They tortured me.” In new fundraising email, Trump claims he was “tortured” at the Fulton County Jail. It is of course a lie to take money from his rubes.
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) June 25, 2024
In response, netizens flocked to weigh in, slamming the former president. A user criticized, “Trump is claiming he was ‘tortured’ while getting his mugshot taken at the Fulton County jail. John McCain knew all about real torture, unlike Trump who has no idea what torture is or he would have required hospitalization. He is a lying piece of sh*t!”
Tortured?! What does Trump mean by this? Like they inconvenienced/annoyed him or that they did something painful/harmful like pulling his fingernails out? I highly doubt the Secret Service allowed Atlanta PD to truly torture Trump.
— NethingButNot (@NethingButNot) June 24, 2024
Another critic called out the absurdity of the claim by pointing out the fact that as an ex-president, Trump always has the Secret Service with him. “Tortured?! What does Trump mean by this? Like did they inconvenience/annoy him or they did do something painful/harmful like pulling his fingernails out? I highly doubt the Secret Service allowed Atlanta PD to truly torture Trump.”
A user mocked, “In Trumpspeak, ‘They tortured me’ means they didn’t have Diet Coke in the vending machine.” As the comments poured in, a netizen trolled,
“On or about August 25, 2023, Donald Trump’s Fulton County mugshot was taken. Nearly a year later, it suddenly dawns on him that he was ‘tortured’, when he spent maybe 10min at the Fulton County jail. He was so traumatised, that he’s selling a coffee mug to commemorate the event ?”
In Trumpspeak, “They tortured me” means they didn’t have Diet Coke in the vending machine.
— The 𝗘nd 𝗝ustifies the 𝗠emes (@Upsidasium) June 25, 2024
In a similar vein, an X user reasoned, “Actually that’s a serious claim. If the prosecution demands he explain or justify that charge at the upcoming sentencing, he could be in new trouble.” Another critic warned, “Acquiring money by misrepresentation or deception is considered fraud.” Meanwhile, a user slammed, “OMG! Tortured? From my viewpoint, he is the most pampered felon I’ve ever seen!”
OMG! Tortured? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 From my view point, he is the most pampered felon I’ve ever seen! #TrumpIsALiarandACriminal
— Raul Ramirez (@raulaifd) June 25, 2024
It took the Republican leader roughly twenty minutes to be booked, fingerprinted, and photographed after he arrived in Georgia in a presidential-style convoy. Although there were no reports at the time of torture or other mistreatment, Trump’s followers saw the ensuing photo as a badge of honor that would appear on campaign merchandising.
Trump is claiming he was “ tortured “ while getting his mug shot taken at the Fulton County jail. John McCain knew all about REAL TORTURE, unlike Trump who has NO IDEA what “ TORTURE “ is or he would have REQUIRED Hospitalization.trump is a LYING PIECE OF SHIT!
— Bunnnybutt (@bunnnybutt) June 24, 2024
On social media, the claim of torture sparked a connection to the late Senator John McCain, whom Trump frequently made fun of for being unable to move his arms after being broken during torture. When he ran a strong campaign for the presidency in 2016, Trump, who was granted a medical deferment from the Vietnam draft due to heel spurs, publicly mocked McCain’s combat history and status as a prisoner of war. He stated, “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”