Reality Television star, Alana Thompson, better known as Honey Boo Boo, has been put on a diet regime by Dr. Travis Stork from The Doctors television show. Dr. Stork was backed up by the other doctors on the show, saying that nine-year-od Alana was at risk for early death due to diabetes, stroke, and other diseases according to Daily Mail.
Alana was discovered after appearing on TLC’s hit show Toddlers in Tiaras , in 2009. At the time, Thompson was four-years-old and her preparation for her beauty pageant consisted of a drink mixture of Mountain Dew and Red Bull. Alana’s mother and manager, Mama June, was highly criticized for enforcing such an unhealthy habit. The controversy increased in 2012 when Alana scored her own show on TLC.
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo , was created as a spin-off of Toddlers in Tiaras . On the show, Alana’s entire family was displayed on the regular basis, eating unhealthy meals and not exercising. Despite the fact that Mama June has lost weight over the years, Alana has gained immensely causing Mama June to often be criticized by the parents who watched the show.
Recently Mama June was photographed using a motor scooter while grocery shopping, one of the many things she has been seen doing to avoid exercise. Though her weight loss was a positive in the opinions of Honey Boo Boo fans, they also fear that her bad habits are still present and are influencing Alana in a negative way. In the photo, Alana is seen sitting on the floor in the grocery store instead of standing up while she waits for her mother.
Mama June recently made a statement regarding her weight and what she thinks of Honey Boo fans’ statements.
“I’m happy with who I am. If I lose more weight, that’s fine. If I don’t, that’s fine also. I’m happy with myself. If you don’t like me, you don’t like me, and you don’t have to look at me.”
These days, people are not looking at her. Fans are focusing their attention on Alana, who has reportedly gained weight by force. In 2013, Mama June told Alana that she must gain weight because she was frightened that the show would be canceled if Alana was thin. Now The Doctors cast have given Honey Boo Boo an intervention telling her that she is 65-pounds overweight.
During the episode, which will air on February 25, Honey Boo Boo was also given a bicycle to exercise and was set up with a nutritionist near her Georgia home.
Feature Image via [Celebitchy]