Is there a real possibility for a Lucifer / Constantine crossover in which Matt Ryan once again plays the titular character John Constantine? Many fans of both shows would love to see such a crossover. If the rumors are true – according to Mobile & Apps – it looks like there’s the barest possibility that we just might eventually see this happen on the hit Fox show about the L.A.-residing Satan.
Bringing ‘Lucifer’ Constantine
Crossover events have become very common in comic book-based television series. Certainly, The CW does it all the time with its ever-expanding lineup of DC comic book heroes. So far we haven’t really seen this on Lucifer , but that’s not to say it couldn’t happen. The characters of Lucifer – in this context – and Constantine and The CW superheroes are all DC products.
Even the idea of a cross-network crossover isn’t out of the realm of possibility. In fact, CBS used to have Supergirl before it moved to The CW. CBS set up a crossover between The Flash on The CW and Supergirl while it was still on CBS. So it can be done – even if it will take a bit of juggling on the part of the writers, the director, and the networks.
Constantine appeared on NBC, but was not exactly a success at the time. The show was canceled after only one season (13 episodes), although it developed a cult following in the months and years since. Many fans have been calling for the return of the Constantine series itself, perhaps placing it on The CW this time.
In fact, the character of Constantine has already made a subsequent crossover appearance, showing up on Arrow just last season to help Oliver restore Sara’s soul to her body. This was a particularly popular episode of Arrow at the time, leaving many fans hoping for another appearance of Constantine on the show at some later point.
A Lucifer/Constantine crossover would likely be very different, although hopefully the network would choose to hire Matt Ryan to come back to play the same role. This of course assumes he’s available – he’s a very busy actor with other obligations. In fact, they had a difficult time scheduling him for Arrow .
Constantine’s Role on Lucifer
Constantine crossover details would likely involve an initially adversarial relationship between the two characters. Certainly in the comics, and in Constantine’s own series – as well as the previous Constantine movie starring Keanu Reeves – they’re not exactly friends.
In comic books, this kind of crossover usually starts with both character’s encountering one another, fighting, and then realizing they have a common enemy and joining forces – at least temporarily.
#Lucifer Season 2 Spoilers: DC’s #Constantine To Join ‘Lucifer’?
— Kim Merville (@KimMerville) December 24, 2016
This would give the shows a chance to introduce angels from heaven, or perhaps other protagonists – or antagonists – from the Constantine universe. Felix Faust might make a good choice.
Faust is one of the major magical villains of the DC universe, often appearing in comics and animated series and films. He also showed up on Constantine as well, serving the role of the major antagonist in the episode “Quid Pro Quo.”
Introducing this character in the Lucifer/Constantine crossover would also permit the writers to play around with some of the other major dark magical characters of the DC universe, such as Jason Blood/Etrigan – a man possessed by a demon – and the venomous sorceress Morgan le Fay – who turned Blood into Etrigan in the first place.
I kind of hope that Lucifer has some Jason Blood action on that show. Gone, gone oh form of man, and rise the demon Etrigan!
— John Bruni (@tusitalabruni) October 14, 2015
Whether the series would be willing to go in this direction in a Lucifer / Constantine crossover is uncertain. It would create a very different universe for the show as it now stands. For the most part, the writers and producers have – it seems – attempted to ground the series in some degree of gritty reality. At least, to the extent that the Devil running a bar in Los Angeles could be considered reality.
[Featured Image by Fox]