Cody Calafiore is fresh off a $500,000 win after he was unanimously voted the winner on Big Brother All-Stars . After nabbing the final Head of Household (HOH), Cody was given the difficult task of choosing which player would sit next to him in the finale. The New Jerseyan had a final two deal with both Nicole Franzel and Enzo Palumbo, and his decision could have gone either way. He opted to cut Nicole in a move that absolutely devastated the Michigan native.
Nicole surprisingly gave Cody her vote to win, despite not being able to look at him while she spoke during the jury’s questioning. This begs the question of who Cody would vote for should he have lost the last HOH, and had been cut by Nicole. The winner caught up with Entertainment Weekly shortly after his victory, and it was a question he had a hard time answering.
“Oh, that’s such a difficult question because I’ve respected both of their games so much. It’s so hard for me to answer,” Cody said.
When pushed further to choose between Nicole and Enzo, Cody eventually revealed that he probably would have been a bitter jury member, prompting him to throw his vote Enzo’s way.
“Then I would’ve voted Enzo,” Cody said, after realizing it would have been Nicole who cut him since she played against him in the final HOH.
“Although I think I wouldn’t have voted bitterly, so maybe I would have voted for Nicole. I don’t know. Well, maybe I would’ve been bitter. And in that moment, maybe I just would have voted for Enzo. I don’t know. I thought both of their games were so incredible, but maybe I’ll say Enzo just ’cause I would’ve been bitter.”
For now, the other jury members have not publicly said who they would have chosen between Nicole and Enzo if they were the last two standing. During the round table in last night’s episode, some of the jurors contemplated giving Nicole their vote even though she had already won the game. Former houseguests like Tyler Crispen and David Alexander said for a previous winner to get that far meant something, and her victory might not have been as far fetched as it seemed to viewers.
Cody also revealed just how difficult it was for him to get rid of Nicole at the last second. He said he gave her the heads up just before the cameras came back on which explained why she was already crying before the official announcement was made.