There’s a reason most people aren’t dumb enough to try and deny the veracity of WikiLeaks-released documents. The transparency advocacy group has an untarnished decade-long history of perfect vetting of their sources, and they’re more than happy to lay the smackdown on anyone who tries to attack the reputation of reliability they’ve worked so hard to uphold. That’s why when the first DNC leaks dropped in July, the officials involved tendered their resignations and quietly bowed out after issuing an apology to the Sanders campaign, then immediately began a distraction campaign of fearmongering about Russia.
People will try and spin speculation about WikiLeaks’ sources or try and attack the character of its editor-in-chief Julian Assange, but nobody’s foolish enough to try and save their hides by attacking the organization’s reputation of only releasing authentic documents. Nobody, that is, except acting DNC chair Donna Brazile.
Jordan Chariton On INFAMOUS Donna Brazile Dodge
— OccuWorld ? (@OccuWorld) October 23, 2016
Last month Jordan Chariton of The Young Turks famously cornered the embattled pundit and grilled her about a leaked email revealing that Brazile had forwarded to the Clinton campaign one of the questions to be asked at a CNN town hall debate with Bernie Sanders, refusing to be deterred by Brazile’s side-stepping, red-baiting, and accusations of misogyny.
“But what about you passing a question to Hillary Clinton’s campaign at the town hall before?” asked Chariton.
“As I’ve stated repeatedly, the Democratic Party was a victim of a cyber crime. And I don’t peddle in what I call the illegal dumping of private emails in the public sphere that have been altered, that have been in many cases re-adapted,” said Brazile, slowly pounding nails into her own coffin.
“No one has ever shared questions with any of us involved in CNN,” she continued to lie.
That same day Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, smelling blood, also pressed Brazile on the question passed, to the point where the frustrated Brazile again fell back on claims of persecution, this time due to being a “Christian woman,” and accused Kelly of being “like a thief.” During the interview Brazile used the words “falsified information,” “altered,” and “doctored” to describe the documents released by WikiLeaks.
“I am not going to try and validate falsified information,” Brazile said.
“Thank God I have not had my personal emails ripped off from me and stolen and given to some criminals to come back altered,” she continued.
“A lot of those emails, I would not even give them the time of day. I’ve seen so many doctored emails,” the acting DNC chair later told Kelly in the same interview, adding, “This has not been verified.”
Well, now it has.
ANNOUNCE: Email exposing Donna Brazile rigging Sanders v Clinton debate questions also authenticated by Google DKIM
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 4, 2016
According to this document titled DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Service Overview , DKIM allows an organization to take responsibility for transmitting a message, in a way that can be verified by a recipient.
“This permits verification of a responsible organization, as well as the integrity of the message contents,” the document reads.
According to the statement released today by WikiLeaks, “Domain Keys Identified Mail, or DKIM, is a highly regarded email security system that can be used to independently authenticate the contents and sender of an email that uses it.”
“For example, an email that DNC Chair Donna Brazile falsely claimed to be ‘doctored by Russian sources’ is in fact validated,” the statement continues. “Similarly validated is the email referencing a future appointment of Tim Kaine as Vice-President of the United States, which Mr Kaine publicly attempted to allege was fake. Both these emails have been secondarily validated by Google as being sent, with the content exactly as published by WikiLeaks.”
Real quick since his name came up, here’s a friendly reminder that Tim Kaine is also a scumbag .
In an interview with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press , Kaine tempted fate by suggesting there was a possibility that the highly suspicious email indicating he’d been promised the veep slot at least a year before Hillary Clinton had to choose a running mate had been doctored.
“The one that has referred to me was flat-out completely incorrect,” Kaine said. “So I don’t know whether it was doctored or whether the person sending it didn’t know what they were talking about. Clearly, I think there’s a capacity for much of the information in them to be wrong.”
ANNOUNCE: Email with statement that Clinton had secretly picked Tim Kaine as VP now also verified by Google #DKIM
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 4, 2016
Since Donna Brazile buried herself by trying to claim the incriminating emails were doctored, even more have been released, confirming that she passed other questions to prepare Hillary Clinton for debate questions in advance as well.
Scandal is not new to Brazile, who somehow was the very best choice the DNC had available to them after Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s resignation from the chair after WikiLeaks unveiled the way she manipulated the Democratic primaries to favor her friend and former employer Hillary Clinton. This 1988 archived article from the L.A. Times reports that a young Donna Brazile was forced to resign from her position on the presidential campaign of Mike Dukakis, who was forced to personally apologize to his opponent George H.W. Bush after Brazile deliberately circulated a rumor of an extramarital affair by Bush as though it were a fact.
“Today I made certain comments which I deeply regret,” Brazile said, back when she was in the business of taking personal accountability for her actions. “I believe too strongly in the importance of electing Mike Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen to allow myself to become an issue in the campaign. Because the time is short, and the issues are so important, I have decided to leave the campaign.”
It would be nice if Brazile could summon up that shred of dignity she once had back in 1988, before it got buried under neoliberal manipulations and corporatist agendas. But it would be even nicer if we all collectively asked Hillary Clinton why she accepted those dishonestly passed questions instead of doing what Mike Dukakis did and calling for her resignation.
[Featured Image by Alex Brandon/AP Images]