Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot showed the world that she is also a superheroine in real life. During an autograph session at San Diego Comic-Con, Gadot was approached by a young Wonder Woman fan who was instantly starstruck by the sight of the Israeli actress. The girl, who was wearing a Wonder Woman costume, was so overwhelmed with emotion that she even started to cry. Gadot immediately reached across the table to take the girl’s hand and comforted her with kind and loving words.
“There’s no reason to cry, all right,” the 32-year-old actress said. “Here we are together.”
This heart-warming moment was, of course, recorded by a fan, and the footage has since gone viral on social media. In this footage, Gadot’s sincerity really comes across and numerous fans on Twitter have praised the Wonder Woman star for taking the time to comfort her young fan. Gadot’s Justice League co-stars, who were busy signing autographs for their fans, also took notice when the sobbing young girl walked up to the Wonder Woman actress.
When Ben Affleck realized what was going on, the 44-year-old actor began to smile to himself. He then pointed to the young fan and said what a “sweet kid” she was. Moments before, Affleck is seen taking a photo with another young fan, who also started shedding tears of joy at the sight of Batman.
Ezra Miller, who portrays Flash in the upcoming Justice League movie, also chimed in and even went as far as to invite the young Wonder Woman fan to join the Justice League once she was ready.
“You’re a warrior! Your ability to cry is what makes you such a warrior. Come join the Justice League whenever you get ready.”
In this footage, Gadot also got to showcase her motherly side by comforting the young fan in such a loving way. With her husband, Yaron Versano, Gadot has two young daughters of her own, named Alma and Maya. During the filming of Wonder Woman , Gadot was even five months pregnant with Maya, proving to everyone just how much of a real life Wonder Woman the former Miss Israel really is.
What’s more, Entertainment Weekly has now reported that the mother of the young Wonder Woman fangirl took to Twitter to voice her appreciation for Gadot’s kindness .
That was my daughter. She was so happy to meet her that she was tearing up. Gal was so sweet to her. Memories of a lifetime!
— Danica Dreamer (@DanicaDreamer) July 23, 2017
Thanks to Gadot taking a few minutes of her time, the girl and her family will certainly cherish this Comic-Con experience for years to come.
[Featured Image by Richard Shotwell/AP Images]