‘Ferguson Cover-Up’ Documentary Claims To Expose The Lies About Michael Brown

Published on: October 7, 2015 at 1:56 PM

Not long after the Ferguson play was announced, dramatizing the death of Michael Brown and allowing the audience to decide the truth, a new documentary claims to hold the actual truth surrounding the controversial events in Ferguson, Missouri.

According to the Huffington Post , Ferguson Cover-Up is the upcoming work of filmmaker Jason Pollock, who claims there are many aspects of the Michael Brown story that the public has never heard. Attempting to uncover the dark details of Michael Brown’s death and the failure of the grand jury to indict former police officer Darren Wilson, Pollock discussed the Ferguson Cover-Up documentary with HuffPost Live .

“As much as it has been dissected, I feel that it hasn’t really been dissected,” Jason Pollock explained. “Everybody just talked about this case with just a few headlines and kind of ran with those. And then when the DOJ report came out, everyone just kind of closed the book on it.”

Jason Pollock

Pollock claims that one of the major pieces of misinformation surrounding Ferguson is a complete misunderstanding of the true character of Michael Brown. Many defenders of Darren Wilson claim that Michael Brown was actually a criminal who was caught stealing cigarettes shortly before his death, and may people use this to justify the shooting. This doesn’t mean Wilson’s supporters believe Michael Brown deserved to die, but rather that the shooting should not have been defined as murder.

But Jason Pollock’s documentary disagrees. Ferguson Cover-Up reportedly shows Michael Brown as he really was and exposes the “lies” that people have spread about him in an attempt to justify an unlawful killing.

“If America starts to see what a beautiful young man Michael Brown was and how much we’ve been lied to about that and how everybody judged this guy based on a five-second video that they saw… that will help win the hearts and minds of people.”

Pollock has been working on Ferguson Cover-Up for over a year, investigating the truth behind the killing of Michael Brown and gathering as many facts as he could find. According to Clutch Magazine Online , the film will reveal what “really happened” the day Michael Brown died, as well as provide context for the ensuing riots in Ferguson that many have criticized as a violent overreaction.

“The film will also detail the story of racism and white supremacy in the Ferguson area so that everyone can understand that the protests that took place in the wake of Michael’s death were not just a random incident, but a straw breaking a camel’s back after hundreds of years of racism in the region,” Pollock said.

While the filmmaker claims the documentary paints an optimistic look for the future, he does not shy away from pointing fingers for the lies surrounding Michael Brown. Namely, Pollock blames the right-wing media for depicting Michael Brown as a thug who essentially had the shooting coming.

“From the very moment that Michael’s body hit the pavement that day a carefully crafted campaign of misinformation, manipulation, and outright lying has taken place by the Ferguson Police Department, the St Louis Police Department, and the St Louis Prosecutor’s office. The 24/7 right wing media have constantly perpetuated these lies, and they were so well crafted that they tricked CNN and many other outlets into falsely reporting the issue over and over again.”

While Pollock admits the Ferguson Cover-Up documentary won’t bring Michael Brown back or fix the failures in the legal proceedings, he claims he hopes to at least “win in the court of public opinion” by spreading the truth.

What do you think about the killing of Michael Brown? Do you think Ferguson Cover-Up has facts about Michael Brown that were legitimately covered-up by the media?

[Michael Brown image: Facebook; Jason Pollock: Andrew Toth / Getty Images; IndieGogo]

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