Kendra Duggar just delivered her second child with husband, Joe Duggar, on November 2. Addison Renee entered the world weighing in at 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and it was a rough one for her mom while she was in labor with her daughter. The couple’s birth story is up on TLC as they were being filmed throughout the whole process. Although Kendra and Joe headed to the hospital as soon as active labor started, the doctor expected to deliver their baby never showed up.
Kendra decided to speed things along by taking some castor oil, and it seemed to work for her as she began having contractions at home. The reality stars dropped their son Garrett, 1, off at her parents’ house and headed to the hospital. They opted for a hospital delivery instead of a home birth, just like with their first child. This time was pretty intense, especially while waiting for the doctor to arrive. Toward the end of the labor process, the 21-year-old mom felt the need to push, but the nurse that was in the room told her not to until the doctor arrived.
The Counting On couple was at first told that the physician was alerted that Kendra was in active labor and was on his way. Addison was ready and waiting to enter the world as the Duggar daughter-in-law said that she wanted to push. However, the nurse kept telling her not to push several times. The doctor was off delivering another baby and still hadn’t shown up. Kendra was heard telling Joe and her mom that she wanted him there, but she was at the point that she didn’t really care. She just wanted to push the baby out.
TLC also reminded viewers that Kendra has a habit of holding her breath when she is in pain, which can result in her fainting during labor. That was obvious in both of her labor stories as both Joe and her mom, Lauren Caldwell, had to keep reminding her to breath. Once active labor started, she complained about being nauseous and even threw up at one point.
After many pleas from Kendra saying that she needed to push, the attending nurse finally made the decision to deliver Addison without the doctor present. The film crew was still rolling as Joe and Kendra’s baby girl was seen being delivered. Afterward, Kendra is heard telling Joe that she thought she was going to die. She also noted that she thought the baby was going to be smaller than she was.
While the birth was pretty rough for Kendra Duggar, she delivered a healthy baby and has been sharing some tidbits on how they are doing now that they are a family of four. According to a previous report by The Inquisitr , the Counting On stars said that their daughter is a happy baby and is getting settled into a sleep schedule. They also mentioned how Garrett is learning to be a great big brother.