Dance Moms is a reality show covering dance competitions featuring young dancers. While this may be nothing but a dance show, it is a known fact that the Lifetime reality series is also famous for its behind-the-scenes drama, especially from its former host, Abby Lee Miller, who was known for stirring drama between two of its lead dancers, Maddie Ziegler and Chloe Lukasiak. After years of speculations, Lukasiak finally speaks up and explains the real status of her relationship with Ziegler.
Maddie Ziegler vs. Chloe Lukasiak used to be a popular search term for Dance Moms despite the fact that these two were the best of friends. It has been highly speculated that competing against each other has taken a toll on their friendship, with some alleging that the two have already severed their ties.
However, Lukasiak has finally spoken up to Life & Style Weekly to put a stop to the never-ending rumors surrounding her relationship with Ziegler. The Dance Moms star explained that she and Ziegler still catch up from time to time, as they still see each other at events, and shared that they are planning to grab lunch together.
What’s keeping Lukasiak and Ziegler from reuniting, however, is their busy schedule. Lukasiak said that it was quite difficult to catch up with her Dance Moms co-stars because they are all going on their separate career paths, but mentioned that she was still close to Nia Frazier and Paige Hyland.
“I think we’re all still pretty close — just the way our lives and careers are all going, it’s all different directions.”
This clarifies rumors of a feud between Ziegler and Lukasiak, as these two have always been pitted against each other. Former Dance Moms coach Abby Lee Miller has been blamed for the alleged rift in their relationship.
In an earlier interview with People , Chloe and her mom Christi said that Miller was the source of the drama on Dance Moms. Christi explained that Miller had a “strong personality,” which makes it hard for people to speak up and tell her when they are not comfortable with anything.
Dance Moms Season 8 went through a huge change after Miller announced her exit from the Lifetime reality show. Since her departure from the series, Cheryl Burke has taken over as the show’s new host and coach.