For the past three years, Daniel Bryan has been fighting tooth and nail with WWE doctors to get cleared for an in-ring return. At every turn, his desire to wrestle again has been shot down and the WWE Universe has continuously been disappointed. However, Daniel Bryan’s contract with WWE is expiring this year and it’s created some big problems behind the scenes between SmackDown’s general manager and WWE officials.
A recent report claimed that Bryan’s relationship with WWE officials became tense after he turned down a huge money contract to re-sign with the company because it still wouldn’t have allowed him to wrestle. His desire to wrestle is more important to him than money, but Vince McMahon believed that all he needed to do was discuss Bryan’s WWE future with him face to face during Monday Night Raw’s 25th anniversary.
According to DirtySheets , Daniel Bryan and Vince McMahon crossed paths during the show and McMahon revealed to him that WWE doctors would allow him to work a match at WrestleMania 34 . There have been rumors about him having a match with Shane McMahon for the event, but Vince pitched a tag team match where Bryan and Shane would face off against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn to conclude their long rivalry.
WWE officials believed the change of heart would be enough to convince Bryan to sign a new contract with the company, but he wasn’t interested in the match at all. The big reason for his frustration was the creative plan was for him to stand on the apron for roughly 90 percent of the match while Shane carried the in-ring work, which was insulting to Bryan because he doesn’t want to deceive the WWE Universe just for a cheap pop.
Daniel Bryan is convinced that he’s capable of wrestling safely in the ring, but WWE officials refuse to give him the green light for a real match. Vince McMahon’s “pitch” also failed and has left Bryan’s negotiations with the company more strained than ever. Overall, Bryan has drawn his line in the sand and he told WWE officials they need to “use him or lose him.” With his contract expiring this September, the two parties still have eight more months to work out another deal or Bryan Danielson will wrestle for another promotion.