Bacon. Oh wonderful bacon. Labor Day weekend may signify the end of summer to some. To others it’s a holiday to reflect on worker’s rights and the modern struggle. To others, it’s an excuse to eat bacon.
Yes, the Saturday before Labor day is known around the world (or at least in Massachusetts) as International Bacon Day!.
The Republic Of Bacon Blog (you did know that that was a real blog, didn’t you?) writes that the holiday started in 2000 by a group of students in Bedford, Massachusetts.
Alexa Haflord, Seth Rittenhouse and Evan Salim started the holiday on their own to celebrate their favorite food. The holiday has grown and is now celebrated all over the United States and Canada.
Now that the history lesson is out of the way, let’s talk about bacon.
Five Ways To Celebrate International Bacon Day
1.) The easiest and most common way to celebrate the holiday is to cook and eat bacon. The Republic of Bacon Blog suggests that you also chant “Bacon Is A Vegetable” to help you stuff your face with the greasy meat.
Of course, cooking bacon isn’t as easy as throwing it into a pan. OK, it is, but bacon taste buds have evolved over the years and many connoisseurs are now expecting new and interesting ways to consume their bacon: Like the cronut burger .
2.) If you can’t decide on what to cook and you can always go out to a restaurant. And for National Bacon Day, you’ll want to go to Burke’s Bacon Bar in Chicago. The restaurant serves nothing but bacon and bacon related items.
3.) Start planning your 105th birthday. Sure, it may be a few years away but if you keep eating bacon like this lady , you’re almost guaranteed to live until your 105th birthday.
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Eating bacon every day does not guarantee a long life.)
4.) If you really want to show your love for bacon you can slip into your fancy new meat dress . That may sound ridiculous, but it’s more common than you think. Bacon bikini contests are held every year and Lady Gaga is working tirelessly to make meat the new “it” fabric.
5.) After you’ve cooked up some bacon, visited an all-bacon restaurant, planned out the next sixty years of your life, and put on your fancy meat dress, there’s really only one thing left to do: Buy a car wrapped in bacon.
Ford, who recently created a 2014 Fiesta wrapped in bacon, writes: “Bacon has been a cornerstone of cuisine since ancient Rome. In recent years the cured meat has transformed from a food to a lifestyle – inspiring everything from medical supplies to plush toys. Now, with International Bacon Day just around the corner, Ford is savoring the salty side dish with the introduction of what is believed to be the first bacon-wrapped car – a 2014 Ford Fiesta.”
On second thought, forget about number five. Let’s go back to number 1 (eat bacon) and repeat.