Lorenzo Booker is a Minnesota Viking after spending much of the 2010 football season as a member of the Hartford Colonials. He would have been with the Vikings two weeks ago but the mess between the UFL and the NFL over transfer fees held up his promotion to the big show. Since he missed out on two game checks he lost around 55k in NFL salaries, and since NFL teams have refused to pay the transfer fee it seems pretty likely that he paid his 25k transfer fee himself. Of course that money likely came out of his 50k UFL salary and all things being equal he says he would do it all over again.
While some may look at this story as a negative one, I don’t quite see it that way. It seems likely Booker would not have his position with the Vikings had it not been for the UFL, and it will certainly make all of that money back. In fact if the numbers are right Booker stands to make 25k per game as a member of the Vikings, which means after he plays their final four games he will in fact be up 20k.
In my mind what all of this means is players who choose to play in the UFL will not do so for monetary gain. Even though it is hard to feel sorry for guys making 50k a year. I think playing in the UFL is strictly a way for guys not quite good enough for the NFL at the beginning of the season to stay fresh in the minds of the scouts and look to earn a spot in the NFL come November. This may play out a whole different way next year as the UFL is moving up their schedule and will conclude its season by Halloween.
Related Links:
- The Business of the UFL
- UFL Examiner
- Joshua Lobdell.com