E3 2013 has finally given a hands on demo of the new Xbox One controller .
Since the new model unveiling in May nobody has really had a chance to see the new controller in action, nor the opportunity to compare it to its Xbox 360 counterpart.
Much like the explanation of the new Xbox One menu and view buttons , this demo helps answers all the questions left hanging it the air since the prototype reveal.
From the initial demonstration, the new Xbox One controller appears to have remained largely the same in shape, size and texture.
However, it’s the reshaping of the triggers and the d-pad that has the majority of gamers talking.
According to reports, the concave shape has remained the same, but Microsoft has tapered the left and right triggers to naturally flow into the base of the controller.
Furthermore, the revised triggers and shoulder pads with their new in-built impulse triggers, should allow players to feel the kick of hardcore action like firing a gun, or hitting a road bump whilst racing.
All of these subtle but notable features should enhance how immersive the gameplay is, and should make handling the Xbox One controller much easier than the Xbox 360.
In addition to the smoother triggers, the d-pad has rid itself of the much criticised disc style.
Now gamers will have a 4-way configuration that is firm, responsive and above all, low-profile.
Nevertheless, despite the hands on demo of the Xbox One controller at E3 2013, it doesn’t appear that many Xbox fans will be able to test drive the controller any time soon.
Especially when you consider how expensive the new Microsoft console is.
Although the new Xbox One controller doesn’t seem to alienate loyal Xbox gamers, it lacks impact when the majority of gamers are unimpressed with the new console in the first place.
[Image via IGN.com ]