Big Brother 19 spoilers from the September 7 recap are highlighted by two eviction ceremonies. By the end of the night the BB19 jury would have two new members, but to get there a double eviction would be necessary. A lot of excitement was set for the CBS audience, as the houseguests would be playing through a week’s worth of competitions and ceremonies in order to get to that second eviction of the night. This Episode 34 recap comes from a live CBS presentation on Thursday, September 7, at 9 p.m. PT/ET.
Quite a few Big Brother 19 spoilers had been presented to this point, beginning with Christmas Abbott winning the Week 10 Head of Household Competition. The rest of the BB19 house threw the competition, though, creating a scenario where a lot of people would regret that decision. Christmas ended up nominating Jason Dent and Alex Ow for eviction. Paul Abrahamian won the Power of Veto and used it to save Alex. Then, at the Veto Ceremony, Christmas announced that Kevin Schlehuber would be the replacement nominee.
Following the “previously on Big Brother ” segment, host Julie Chen took center stage as she revealed that there are fewer than two weeks until the 2017 season finale. It was then time to see what took place following the Veto Ceremony, with footage showing that Jason and Alex were still not nervous about the upcoming eviction. Kevin began losing it a bit, though, as he started feeling he was about to get evicted. It was then time to reveal the plan that Paul had concocted to split the eviction vote.
“I have everybody doing the dirty work for me.”- #BBPaul #BB19
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) September 8, 2017
These particular Big Brother 19 spoilers had been known by the live feed subscribers for a while, but Paul Abrahamian and Christmas Abbott worked out a plan where Jason Dent would get evicted on a 3-2 vote. The plan was for Paul and Alex Ow to vote against Kevin Schlehuber, while Josh Martinez and Raven Dent were set to vote against Jason. That would create a 2-2 vote that would then be broken by Christmas. Christmas agreed to take the heat as it would allow Paul to remain close with Alex in the later weeks.
It was then time to head to the first eviction of the night, with Julie Chen letting the BB19 cast know that it was time for another double eviction. Alex Ow voted first, excitedly stating that she was voting against Kevin Schlehuber. Raven Walton voted against Jason Dent, Paul Abrahamian voted against Kevin, and Josh Martinez voted against Jason. The tie forced the HOH (Christmas Abbott) to vote. Alex even hugged a saddened Josh before Christmas voted. Christmas voted against Jason, making him the fifth member of the BB19 jury. He stormed out without saying goodbye.
Do you think #BBChristmas is playing a smart game? RT if you don’t. Fav if you do. #BB19
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) September 8, 2017
At the first Big Brother 19 Head of Household Competition of the night, Paul Abrahamian, Alex Ow, Josh Martinez, Raven Walton, and Kevin Schlehuber played for the power. The challenge was a trivia competition about things that had taken place in the BB19 house this season. Alex got every question right and became the new HOH. They went straight to the living room, where Alex nominated Kevin and Raven for eviction. The live Power of Veto Competition would follow another commercial break.
At the Veto Competition, competitors had to run across the backyard and search through a truck of lemons for limes. They then had to take those limes and drop them into a tube from an elevated staircase. It was an extensive challenge and not an easy one to win, with Josh Martinez just beating out Alex Ow. Josh declined to use the Power of Veto, meaning it would be either Raven Walton or Kevin Schlehuber joining the BB19 jury next.
At the second Eviction Ceremony, Paul Abrahamian voted to evict Raven, Christmas Abbott voted to evict Raven, and Josh Martinez voted against Kevin. By a 2-1 vote, Raven Walton became the sixth member of the BB19 jury. The final five for the 2017 summer season is Paul Abrahamian, Alex Ow, Christmas Abbott, Josh Martinez, and Kevin Schlehuber. That brings an end to the September 7 recap, but not to the end of the Big Brother spoilers.
Right before Episode 34 came to an end, host Julie Chen announced that during winter, Celebrity Big Brother will air on CBS, with more details to be released soon.
[Featured Image by CBS]