The Duchess of Cambridge had to jump into action on Thursday at a public event as her daughter, Princess Charlotte, showed off her spirited side. The 4-year-old stepped forward with the expectation that she would wave to spectators, and instead, she decided to stick out her tongue at everybody.
People shares that Kate Middleton, Prince William, Prince George, and Princess Charlotte were attending a charity sailing race on Thursday when the buzzworthy moment took place. The family was joined by Kate’s parents, Mike and Carole Middleton, while it seems that Prince Louis probably stayed home with the family’s nanny.
The cheeky moment from the 4-year-old princess came as the family was near windows overlooking the event, and they were starting to walk down the stairs. As cameras took in every second, Princess Charlotte was urged to wave out the window to those watching. Rather than going the prim and proper route, she stuck out her tongue.
Duchess Kate immediately intervened, and some photographs caught her initially looking rather stern. However, in the short video clip showing the full “incident,” it would seem that Kate got a good laugh out of her daughter’s spirited moment.
Fans of the royals know that this is hardly the first time that the pint-sized princess has shown off this side of her personality. As The Inquisitr previously shared, last summer, Charlotte seemed to warn off journalists as the family headed toward a post-christening tea for her little brother, Prince Louis.
Hilarious moment Princess Charlotte sticks her tongue out to the crowd at The King’s Cup regatta, leaving them in hysterics! #PrincessCharlotte #DuchessOfCambridge #Royals
— The Royal Family Channel (@RoyalFamilyITNP) August 8, 2019
The Inquisitr also detailed that Princess Charlotte seemed to stick out her tongue at photographers during her appearance at Uncle Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding last year. While Prince George typically seems to stay relatively stoic during his royal appearances, his little sister has shown that she is more prone to show off her personality and do things her own way.
Luckily, both Prince William and Duchess Kate seem to embrace a balance in terms of seeing the humor in these moments from their kids while still setting appropriate boundaries.
Princess Charlotte and Prince George looked adorable as they attended the event, both dressed perfectly for a sailing-related charity excursion. Charlotte wore a blue-and-white striped dress from Ralph Lauren Kids while Prince George wore a blue-and-white-striped collared shirt and khaki shorts.
Prince George & Princess Charlotte made a surprise appearance alongside their parents today…and it looks like Prince George has lost some more teeth since we last saw him! See the new photos:
— (@JustJared) August 8, 2019
Thursday’s event was the King’s Cup Regatta, which was originally slated to take place on Friday. Due to weather concerns, it was moved up to Thursday. William and Kate competed against one another, each leading a vessel and representing several choice charities.
There were eight boats competing, and Bear Grylls and his Tusk Trust team took 1st place. Prince William’s group came in 3rd and Duchess Kate’s vessel avoided last place by coming in 7th.
Royal fans would love to see more of Princess Charlotte, Prince George, and Prince Louis. The trio of royal little ones always looks adorable, and one never knows when Duchess Kate and Prince William will need to scramble to cover a hilarious moment like this one with their daughter.