Gary Johnson may be on the ballot for president on Election Day, but even he doesn’t think he stands a chance of being elected.
Instead, the Libertarian Party nominee says he believes Barack Obama will win re-election.
“I think Obama’s going to win, that’s what I think,” Johnson told Politico in an interview. “[My vote is] really spread out, meaning I don’t think there’s any state that I’m going to do better than another.”
Gary Johnson has only gotten into single digits in presidential polling, and the former governor of New Mexico says he couldn’t name a state where he’s expected to do well.
But Johnson still has no regrets.
“There’s nothing,” Johnson said. “I would ask that everybody look at it and maybe recognize that this is phenomenal that we spent $2 million and may get 5 percent of the general – now maybe it doesn’t turn out that way at all – but that we spent $2 million bucks and here we are playing in a game that by all accounts we should not be playing in, so no. Yeah, you make mistakes every single day, but the reality is: Holy cow.”
One of the best polling outcomes for Gary Johnson was in a recent CNN poll of Ohio released November 2 that showed him with 5 percent of voters
Johnson said the media tends to focus only on presidential polls that exclude third-party candidates.
Gary Johnson told Politico :
“You go to the website,” he said. “CNN: ‘Obama 50, Romney 48, but when Gary Johnson’s name is included, he’s at 6.’ Well, come on. Where is that being reported?
“The frustration is, if I were just given the credit that I’m due, which is a three-times mention or a five-times mention for every time Romney is mentioned 47 times, I think if you would go back three months and give me the credit that I would be due if this were a discrimination lawsuit, that I would be the next president of the United States because of the interest that would have generated.”
Gary Johnson does have at least one upset in mind, The Huffington Post noted . He thinks he has a good chance of finishing in second in Washington, D.C., beating out Mitt Romney.
While he’s sure he won’t win on Tuesday, Johnson couldn’t say what 2016 would bring.
“I hope to remain a spokesperson but I think the last thing anybody wants to hear right now is talk about 2016 when everybody’s just ready to barf over 2012 so I’ll stay away from that,” Gary Johnson said.