Here’s a bunch of students missing their bus somewhere in San Francisco because Yahoo! installed a damn touch-screen videogame in their bus shelter. While giant video displays in bus shelters have been around for a few years now, this is the first time I’ve seen a fully playable game.
The name of said game is Yahoo! Bus Stop Derby , and it’s even got a multiplayer mode. Yahoo! put these bad boys in twenty San Fran shelters, letting commuters compete against other bored people at a different bus stop.
There are four simple games to play, and results are updated in real-time, with various cross-city neighborhoods going head-to-head. These games are being taken down on January 28th, at which point the neighborhood with the most points gains … er, nothing actually a deep sense of unified satisfaction. Yeah.
If you’re a San Franciscan who’s interested, here’s where you can play .
See also: Holycrapawesome: China planning giant buses that cars can drive under (bus-related, so, err, yeah, sorta works)