They greatest feud of our era (not really, but it was fun ) has ended. Kanye West went on Jimmy Kimmel last night where the two hashed out their differences, made nice, and seemingly walked away with a higher of level of mutual respect and understanding.
It was a lengthy and wide-ranging interview, but the gist of it was two-fold: Solving the Twitter feud, and Kanye explaining his weirdness to the world .
First off, it wasn’t a publicity stunt. Some speculated that the bizarre online feud may have been staged, but both Kimmel and West said it was the real deal.
As to what set off the feud, a skit that portrayed Kanye West during an interview as a child, Kimmel explained that he didn’t intend to offend Kanye and that he always found him friendly off-screen. Rather, Kimmel felt, Kanye was incredibly misunderstood.
Yet, Kimmel, admitted, many people think he’s a “jerk” for saying publicly that he’s a “genius” or objecting to the idea that he’s “just a celebrity.”
“When you said you think you’re a genius, I think that upsets people,” Kimmel said. “But the truth is a lot of people think they’re geniuses, but nobody says it because it’s weird to say it. But it is most certainly more honest to say, ‘I am a genius.’”
“I’m totally weird and totally honest and I’m totally inappropriate sometimes, and the thing is for me not to say I’m not a genius I’d be lying to you and to myself,” Kanye responded.
Check out the interview between Jimmy Kimmel and Kanye West below: