One of two things will happen on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’ tonight. There will either be an epic bro-hug between Jimmy Kimmel and Kanye West or Kanye will choke the smarmy life out of the late night host.
Either way, the world will be watching.
“And as if Elton John isn’t enough for one week we’ve also got a great—and potentially uncomfortable—show planned for tomorrow. Kanye West will be here,” Kimmel said during his show Tuesday night.
“Kanye and I had a disagreement a couple of weeks ago and it got a little bit out of hand. Tomorrow night, we will sit down and discuss it like normal people do—on television,” he explained.
For anyone who missed it, apparently Kanye West was none too pleased when Kimmel ran a parody of an interview West had done with the BBC. The segment involved children re-enacting the transcript from the interview, parts of which were slightly unintelligible on Kanye’s part. Kanye took to Twitter in a glorious, all-caps rage, saying “JIMMY KIMMEL IS OUT OF LINE TO TRY AND SPOOF IN ANY WAY THE FIRST PIECE OF HONEST MEDIA IN YEARS.”
Kanye fired off a few more choice tweets before Kimmel got wind of it. First, he acknowledged that, clearly, Kanye was mad at him. Then he started baiting West.
if it’s not too much trouble @kanyewest, would you mind using @jimmykimmel ? Thanks
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) September 27, 2013
Because poking the bear is always a good idea. But when you get paid for laughs and that bear is Kanye West, maybe it does pay to plug away, safely behind a keyboard.
Kanye then spent some time creating the masterpiece you see here, calling Kimmel a “no good pussy.” While Kimmel kept it clean, he did keep antagonizing West. Which brings us to now.
What will go down when Kanye West gets in the same room as Jimmy Kimmel tonight? There’s only one way to find out, and that’s by watching Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Or reading about it here tomorrow.