Walter White died in the final seconds of the hit AMC series Breaking Bad (oh yeah – SPOILER ALERT). While the series may be over for good, the legend of Walter White lives on in a real-life obituary published by The Albuquerque Journal.
In the Walter White obit the newspaper writes that he was a 52-year-old man who died after a “long battle with cancer, and a gunshot wound.”
The obituary also lists Walter White as the “co-founder of Gray Matter” which probably wouldn’t sit well with Gretchen and Elliott Schwartz.
The Walter White obituary also says the meth cooker was a “research chemist who taught high school chemistry” and “later founded a meth manufacturing empire.”
We know that Heisenberg didn’t really create an “empire” since it all came crashing down with his death, but the rest of the obituary is on point.
The notice also says a “private memorial” was held by White’s family. Although we find it hard to believe that Skyler, Marie, and Flynn showed up to honor the man they grew to hate.
The obituary also says “he will be greatly missed” which is probably another exaggeration until they were addressing blue meth users.
In the post The Albuquerque Journal says anyone who wishes should donate to a “drug abuse prevention charity of your choice.”
With millions of people still binge watching Breaking Bad on Netflix we doubt Breaking Bad discussions will stop anytime soon.