Star Zac Efron has been the subject of a lot of “downward spiral” drug rumors as of late — and the most recent claims the Hairspray hunk had a run-in with “hillbilly heroin,” aka oxycodone.
As of now, it’s just a “report” that Zac Efron engaged in some wild, wild partying involving the powerful narcotic — but RadarOnline and the National Enquirer are claiming pics have surfaced from earlier this year that illustrate a worrisome scene.
According to the former, the Zac Efron drug binge party alleged in the post dates all the way back to January 3, at New York City’s Thompson Hotel.
Radar says that a spy stepped forward to describe a night of rampant hedonism and drug use, even submitting to a polygraph test to put forth the tale of decadent drugging and debauchery:
“According to the National Enquirer , Efron, 25, overdosed on the powerful painkiller oxycodone — known as “hillbilly heroin” – after a wild night of drinking and abusing the prescription drug, and had to be revived by fellow party guests!… A photo obtained by the National Enquirer shows Efron passed out in the Thompson Hotel on Jan. 3 after the alleged overdose.”
The site names Adderall, oxycodone, and pot as drugs Zac Efron is rumored to have sampled on the night in question, and that $1,200 of pills were purchased for the party that evening.
The unnamed spy explains:
“[Zac] was like a junkie. He wanted the drugs so bad, and this was the only way he could get them… Zac doubled [the dose]… He went through a lot of pills even though it was clear he was entering a danger zone… My worst fear was that he had died from an overdose.”
Adding that Efron disappeared with a strange “brunette” to “have sex,” the spy also says she fears Zac will be the next celebrity drug tragedy if he doesn’t change his ways.