Disney’s line-jumping policy is being changed. The policy allowed disabled guests to avoid long lines. Unfortunately, it was abused by people who were not disabled.
Disney officials found that able-bodied guests were hiring “disabled escorts” to gain immediate access to rides and attractions.
The new rules will eliminate Disney’s line-jumping policy. Instead, disabled guests will be issued an access card, which they must present at the entrance of each ride. Each guest will receive a ticket stamped with a specific time to return to the ride.
As reported by CNN , the wait times will vary based on park attendance and the length of lines. Disabled guests will no longer have immediate access to rides or attractions at Disney parks.
Disney spokeswoman Suzi Brown says the parks will not ask for verification of disability . She expects the new policy to “create a more consistent experience for all guests.”
The new policy will begin on October 9. Disney officials will release more information about the policy within the next week.
Although many guests have applauded the effort to avoid abuse, others are unhappy about the change.
As reported by MoveOn.org , Kim McCain created a petition in opposition to the policy change. She says the new policy will “significantly impact the ability of families to reasonably visit, access, and enjoy, the park.”
McCain is the mother of a disabled child. She said her daughter will be negatively impacted by the change as she cannot possibly endure waiting for a ride.
The petition currently has over 23,000 signatures.
Ellen Seidman does not share McCain’s opinion. She is planning to take her disabled son to Disneyland in December.
Seidman says Disney “has an admirable history” of assisting guests with disabilities. She says she would like to give the policy a chance to work before criticizing the decision.
Disney’s line-jumping policy will end on October 8. Visitors with questions about the new policy are encouraged to contact guest services.
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