Stan Lee’s Marvel movie promises for the future include the Black Panther, Dr. Strange, and The Inhumans. In fact, he won’t be surprised if all of the Marvel super heroes eventually end up in a movie or two.
Marvel President Kevin Feige may be the man behind the movies of the Marvel cinematic universe, but we can’t forget who, alongside Jack Kirby, came up with the Marvel superheroes we all know. Stan Lee is practically the father, or at least step-father, of all of the heroes we’ve seen in the Marvel universe. Without Stan Lee, there probably wouldn’t be Wolverine, Professor Xavier, the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, or Spider-Man.
As for what Joss Whedon has stated about wanting more female superheroes, Stan Lee promises that Marvel movies will no doubt end up with a lot more of them. After all, there are probably at least half as many female characters to choose from as there are males, and the movies have barely even begun to scratch the surface of the selection available.
In a recent interview with Stan Lee, the legendary comic book aficionado said that eventually there will be new movies about characters we haven’t seen yet. Black Panther is said to definitely be in the works as well as the sorcerer Dr. Strange, and The Inhumans might even get their own movie as well. He also mentioned other films we are already aware of like Ant Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy .
Also, if the X-Men films continue after X-Men: Days of Future Past , there are endless cameos we could see from characters many of us haven’t even heard of yet. Who knows, we might even get a Deadpool film that actually stays true to the comics and introduces the group of Deadpool-based spinoff characters the comics have teamed him up with.
As far as Stan Lee and his Marvel movie promises are concerned, we have yet to see even most of the characters available.
[image via Jaguar PS / ]