The Derrico quintuplets had better get used to a busy house.
Las Vegas mother Evonne Derrico just gave birth to quintuplets — three girls and two boys — at an Arizona hospital last week, and she’s set to take them home to an already crowded house. The five newborns will join a set of 1-year-old twins already at home as well as a 7-year-old girl and 3-year-old boy, giving the family seven children still in diapers and nine overall.
Evonne had to leave her home in Las Vegas to live near a specialist in Arizona, and said after the the birth of the quintuplets that it’s a big task ahead of her.
“It has been a journey,” she told a news station in Arizona. “It’s not one that I’d throw lightly out there at anyone. This is not a marathon. I didn’t think at one time I could do it.”
Even with nine children, Evonne has managed to stick with her theme of alliteration, giving them all “D” names: Deniko, Dariz, Deonee, Daician, and Daiten.
Evonne said multiples run in her family, and that she wasn’t on any kind of fertility drugs or in-vitro fertilization when she got pregnant. Evonne’s husband, Deon, said they feel “very honored that God chose us.”
Though the Derrico quintuplets may be quite a handful for Evonne, at the Cardon Children’s Medical Center in Arizona they’re no big deal. This is the fifth set of out-of-state quintuplets born at the hospital’s special neonatal unit in the last year alone.
The Derrico quintuplets will bring a lot of changes for the family. Deon said one of the first orders of business will be getting a car that can fit the whole family. He may have to look into a bus.
“We have a vehicle for the family right now, but we don’t have a vehicle for the five others,” Evonne’s husband, Deon, a field property manager, told the Las Vegas Sun . “There’s just so much to figure out.”
The Derrico quintuplets will head back home in Las Vegas to meet their three other siblings once they’re discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit.