Kristen Bell recently revealed that fans will be treated to a surprise cameo in the upcoming Veronica Mars movie. However, her lips remained sealed for the time being.
The big-screen adaptation of the cult television series has been a popular topic of conversation since it took Kickstarter by storm earlier this year. As the film draws closer to its release date, Bell is giving fans quite a bit to get excited about.
Although James Franco, Justin Long, and Jamie Lee Curtis have all been confirmed for the Veronica Mars movie , the When in Rome star said there was one cameo that will definitely make people very excited. However, she can’t reveal any specifics at this moment in time.
Who is this actor or actress that has Bell excited?
“I would say, oh God, I don’t know. You know what? I know who I’d say and I can’t say that person because they’re not released yet,” she recently told The Huffington Post while promoting her new movie Lifeguard .
The actress added, “I would get killed if I did [reveal names], but there’s someone in the beginning of the movie — and you’ll know who I mean — there’s someone in the first five minutes of the movie who I think is the coolest cameo ever.”
Since series creator Rob Thomas couldn’t find a Hollywood studio to bankroll the project, he ultimately turned to Kickstarter for assistance. Thomas would be the first of many industry professionals who used the crowdfunding site to their full advantage.
When all of the contributions had been tallied, the Veronica Mars movie had amassed a tidy $5.7 million in donations . Since this total exceeded Thomas’ expectations, he said the remainder of the cash would be used to fund a documentary about the movie’s creation.
Are you a fan of Kristen Bell? Who do you think will make a cameo during the first five minutes of the long-awaited Veronica Mars movie ?
[Image via Warner Bros. Television]