You know what’s cooler than one iPad? two iPads or an iPad and a Samsung Galaxy Tab. According to research firm YouGov as much as 17% of all homes that own one iPad have at least one additional iPad or some other type of additional tablet device.
The study was conducted by polling 1,667 tablet owners of which 782 said they owned an iPad and 145 of those respondents said they also owned another tablet aside from their iPad.
Also cited, 37 percent of iPad owners said their partners used the iPad “all the time” while 17 percent said a family member used the iPad and 14 percent of respondents said the iPad was used mostly by their children.
While the study shows consumers gravitating towards touch friendly tablets, it fails to touch upon which tablets are being purchased, but with iOS, Android, Linux and Windows 7 tablets available for purchase, it’s a safe bet to assume that the top mobile OS’s are battling it out for second fiddle behind the iPad, with Google Android leading the charge against Apple once again.