A Wild Wing Cafe incident from South Carolina is generating nationwide controversy after a group of 25 black patrons were kicked out when a white patron felt threatened.
The incident happened at a restaurant in North Charleston. After the group of 25 black family members waited two hours for a seat, a restaurant employee told them they had to leave, saying a customer felt threatened by their behavior.
News of the Wild Wing Cafe incident has been spreading on social media after one of the family members made a Facebook post on August 22. The person making the post, Mike London, said he complained to the company weeks ago but never heard a reply.
“This type of racial discrimination is unacceptable and we have to put a STOP TO IT,” London wrote in his Facebook post. “The manager looked me dead in the face and said she was refusing us service because she had a right to and simply she felt like it. DO NOT SUPPORT THIS ESTABLISHMENT… PLEASE SHARE THIS POST…We need your help,” the post continued.
Another member of the group said the family members were having a going-away party for a cousin when a shift manager told them to leave . Despite protests that the family had been waiting two hours for service, the Wild Wing Cafe still made them leave — during a rain storm, no less.
The company responded a few days after London’s Facebook post admitting that they “dropped the ball in communicating swiftly to a loyal customer.” The company added that someone should have responded to the black patrons earlier about the incident instead of making them wait three weeks for a reply.
This week someone claiming to be a Wild Wing Cafe employee contacted Radio Facts to clear up some misconceptions about the incident. The caller said the group was being loud and obnoxious to customers and staff, and kept complaining about why “whitey” was able to get seated before them.
The caller added that the group had a long wait because they insisted on sitting together, and that one of the members also insulted a deaf white girl when she did not hear the person’s command to move.
“The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word ‘n****er.’ When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against one of my co-workers,” the caller noted.
In a follow up on Sunday, Wild Wing Cafe said the incident is under investigation and plan to get to the bottom of why the 25 black patrons were kicked out of the restaurant.