The monstrous Yosemite fire is getting even bigger and is threatening a key reservoir which provides much of the water to San Francisco.
On Sunday, the fire, which is located on the western edge of Yosemite National Park, advanced further into the park and forced authorities to close some of the camps due to the smoke, according to a park spokesperson.
Additionally, the dangerous blaze has come within two miles of a critical reservoir that provides water to much of the city of San Francisco.
Tom Medema, spokesperson for Yosemite stated that the “Rim Fire” as it’s been called, has burned 134,000 acres and caused the closure of the White Wolf area of the park on its western side.
“There’s no eminent risk from the fire but the smoke impact is so heavy that we’re evacuating those areas,” Medema said.
Officials say they have no plans to shut down the park at this time.
The Yosemite fire is threatening San Francisco water and power supplies, the city by the bay is located about 200 miles west of the park.
On Sunday, the fire advanced two miles in the direction of the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. The day before it had been located four miles away, according to San Francisco Public Utilities Commission spokesman Tyrone Jue.
The reservoir was safe on Sunday although it faced contamination from ashes. Jue also added that there are resources in place to fight the conditions.
“There are strike teams and crews in place right now to assist with fire protection” near the reservoir, Jue said.
The Yosemite fire also went through two power structures which provide San Francisco with electricity. Crews were making repairs on Sunday.
The Commission has been digging into reserves and purchasing electricity since Monday as a result.
Jue said that the Yosemite fire has not disrupted power to San Francisco, but the danger remains.