PlayStation Vita Sees Price Drop

Published on: August 20, 2013 at 2:46 PM

PlayStation Vita is getting a price drop.

Sony has been almost as busy as Microsoft as far as what’s going on behind the scenes during this pre-console war era, almost seeming to rest on their laurels as the Xbox One rumors just flip flop over and over and make Sony look better by comparison.

One confirmed fact surrounding the PlayStation 4 is that Sony is pushing to integrate the PlayStation Vita as a portable peripheral for the console, as previously reported by The Inquisitr . This is an attempt to boost sales as they make the PS Vita look more attractive to Sony fans as some next generation games will be made to support the portable console. This idea might not have been enough, however, as it seems to mirror the technology being used by Nintendo’s failing Wii U, and we know how that’s going.

The PlayStation Vita price drop is happening tomorrow as an added incentive to get Sony gamers and possibly others to look twice and hopefully give it a try. Sony confirmed at Gamescon 2013 that the console’s suggested retail price will be dropping in price to $199, with the same price in Europe, and may entice future PlayStation 4 gamers to consider the added functionality of the portable console and make the next generation games even more interesting.

In general, it doesn’t look like Sony has much to worry about sale-wise, but they are having a difficult time convincing gamers that the PS Vita is a solid purchase in the light of the upcoming consoles. Perhaps if Sony can do it, Nintendo might take note and try it themselves.

In an additional effort to sell the flagging Sony console, some key games were announced at Gamescon 2013 to boost interest. The steampunk comedy shooter Borderlands 2, the mind-bending 2D platformer Fez, and the randomly generated RPG Starbound have been announced for the PlayStation Vita, and Sony is hoping these new games will help if the price drop doesn’t.

What do you think of the price drop for the PlayStation Vita? Would you be interested in picking one up now?

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